Philosophy of the Public Schools
The Philosophy of the Public Schools is based on the conviction that the dignity and worth of each child is of primary concern and on the belief that the aim of education is to help prepare young people to assume a meaningful and productive role in school and society. To achieve this goal, which is a responsibility shared by the Board of Education, staff, students, parents, and community, we subscribe to the following tenets:
1. that our obligation is to help students mature into independent, reasoning, and responsible individuals who can adapt constructively to an ever-changing, multi-cultural world;
2. that this obligation can be accomplished by challenging students and staff to perform at their highest capabilities;
3. that students will best attain these capabilities if their unique needs, interests, strengths, weaknesses, backgrounds, learning styles, and range of scholastic and creative abilities are acknowledged;
4. that students need to develop self-esteem, an appreciation of the worth of others, a joy in learning, and a desire and willingness to achieve a standard of excellence commensurate with their abilities;
5. that students need to develop a respect for the earth’s unique and diverse human and natural resources;
6. that the schools must convey to students the purpose of the educational program and help them to understand that they must share responsibility for its success;
7. that the curriculum will provide comprehensive programs and a range of instructional strategies to meet the requirements of students with varied backgrounds, abilities, aspirations, and needs, and that this curriculum will be evaluated periodically to ensure that it does so;
8. that the schools actively will seek community support and involvement through close communication and cooperation;
9. that our educational aim will best be achieved in an atmosphere of mutual respect, concern, and support;
10. that in the final analysis, we are all to be accountable for the present and the future success of the Public Schools.
Policy adopted:
Statement of Philosophy
The Board of Education believes that the educational programs and services available in the school system are designed to provide opportunities for the academic, social, and emotional growth of our student population. Among its high priorities, the Board accepts the national challenge that academic excellence and quality education must be achieved and maintained within the fiscal parameters of the community. To that end, every effort will continue to be made to support the Superintendent, administrators, and staff, both professional and non-certified, in their recommendations to improve, expand, or change current programs and services.
The Board of Education also places a high premium on accountability: in measurable achievement of student learning; in the evaluation of all staff performance and including the Board; in commending individual student and staff performance; in maintaining appropriate fiscal controls. The Board recognizes that continuing improvement of the school system rests on the professional abilities and commitment of the various staffs in the schools. The leadership role of the Superintendent and the policy and decision-making roles of the Board will be successful concomitant with the efforts of all concerned with the educational progress to work together to achieve those common goals. Incumbent with those roles is the high order need to communicate, to engage in constructive discussions when addressing identifiable change needs in the system, and to develop strong rationales with supportive data to support program or service recommendations.
Recognizing that within a school system there are diverse issues, strengths, and weaknesses, the overriding philosophy is to coalesce the positive energies of all involved personnel into a strong unit working together. There always is to be the opportunity for the alternative or divergent opinion to be considered in any decision-making process. When a final decision is made, however, there is the expectation that everyone will work in concert with the intent of that decision. To do otherwise would be counter-productive to the system's ability to progress.
Students are the primary focus of the system's activities, processes, and procedures. They have been entrusted to us for the expertise we can and do provide. That is an enormous responsibility. That responsibility is the staging upon which the Board accepts its roles as guardian and advocate. That is the responsibility the Board of Education charges the system personnel to accept with total and unequivocal professionalism.
Policy adopted:
Mission and Functions
Statement of Purpose
The Board of Education believes that education is a cooperative effort shared by the school, family, and community. We believe a creative and challenging academic program, strong support services, and varied opportunities in the Arts and Athletics will best serve our students. We encourage students to acquire knowledge and to think critically as they seek to achieve their potential. The District Schools challenge students to become active lifelong learners and literate, caring, creative, and effective world citizens. We seek to instill a sense of personal integrity in a climate of mutual respect and strive to provide a physically safe and emotionally healthful environment.
Policy adopted:
Statement of Philosophy\
Our philosophy of education is expressed through this statement of our beliefs concerning education.
We believe that educated persons know how to learn, question constantly and strive to improve. They are self-motivated and hold themselves accountable for their own actions. They recognize and respect the dignity of each individual.
We believe that education is a lifelong process which takes place within the home, within the school and beyond. The school is but one of many institutions which prepare an individual to live in, participate in, and contribute to society. We view the world that the school operates in as pluralistic, complex, and continually changing, demanding from people varied skills and attitudes. The school must, therefore, prepare students to deal effectively with such a world.
We believe that individuals are unique and have different needs, abilities, interests, backgrounds and motivations. It is, therefore, the responsibility of the school to recognize the worth of each individual and, in the pursuit of excellence, to teach each student to the fullest extent of his/her abilities. To this end, the school should take into consideration the different rates and styles of learning and teaching most beneficial to each student.
We recognize that the school is part of a larger society and that maximum success in reaching educational goals depends on the cooperation of dedicated students, staff, parents and the community. We believe in a strong and academic core and emphasis on high student achievement and development of essential skills.
In order to implement our philosophy, we are committed to the following goals:
1. Students will accept the challenge to strive toward excellence in the pursuit of learning.
2. Students will learn to communicate effectively in speech and writing, to read with understanding, and to demonstrate knowledge and ability in mathematics.
3. Students will develop decision-making, listening, learning, critical thinking, interpersonal, manual and physical skills.
4. Students will acquire knowledge of science, mathematics, social studies, the arts, literature and languages which leads to an understanding and appreciation of the values and the intellectual and artistic achievements of their culture and other cultures.
5. Students will take full advantage of opportunities to explore, develop, and demonstrate their own uniqueness, creativity and self-discipline.
6. Students will acquire skills, knowledge, and competence to enable them to function successfully as citizens, family members, parents, producers and consumers.
7. Students will develop an understanding of their own personal values and the values of others and of the impact of their actions based upon these values.
8. Students will develop an appreciation of our natural resources and the need for their proper management.
9. The school will provide a wide range of methods and materials to facilitate the education of students who have different styles and rates of learning.
10. The school will evaluate each student to determine the most appropriate program for the individual.
11. The school will provide a climate in which students can develop a positive self-concept.
12. The school will provide a coordinated curriculum for grades K-12.
13. The school will stimulate communication among students, staff, the Board of Education, parents and the community.
14. The school will promote its use of the varied resources in and around the Region.
15. The school will maintain high academic standards.
Policy adopted: