Community Relations
Advertising and Promotion
Students must be protected from possible exploitation in advertising or promoting interests of any non-school agency or organization. Within that context:
1. Schools may cooperate in furthering the work of any non-profit community-wide social service agency; provided that such cooperation does not restrict or impair the educational program of the schools.
2. The schools may use films or other media materials which include commercial messages providing such materials can be justified on the basis of their educational values.
3. The Superintendent may, at his/her discretion, announce or authorize to be announced, any lecture, play, film, or other community activity with educational value.
4. The schools may, upon approval of the Board of Education, cooperate with any agency in promoting activities in the general public interest, and which promote the education and the best interests of students.
5. No advertising material may be posted or distributed to students which, in the opinion of school authorities, would contribute to the personal gain of an individual, business, or company except as follows:
a. Educational material used by staff for educational purposes.
b. Samples, calendars, supply catalogs, etc., distributed to staff for examination, testing or review or routine classroom use.
Policy adopted: