Community Relations

Use of School Facilities  (Version #1)

Since school buildings and grounds are public property, the Board of Education may make them available for purposes other than education when they are not in use for school purposes.

The Board of Education shall grant the use of school facilities for activities of an educational, cultural, civic, and other non-commercial uses consistent with the public interest when such use does not interfere with the school program or school sponsored activities as permitted under law. The use of school facilities for school purposes has precedence over all other uses. Persons on school property must abide by the District's conduct rules at all times.

The Boy Scouts of America, Big Sisters of America, Boys and Girls Clubs of America, Future Farmers of America, Girl Scouts of America, Little League Baseball, Inc. and any other group intended to serve youth under the age of 21 listed in Title 36 of the U.S. Code may use school property upon payment of suitable fees and costs according to the Board approved fee schedule.

In order to maximize student learning and community use of facilities, the Superintendent, in cooperation with representatives of the public library and recreation department of the community shall on a regular basis conduct an instructional time and facility usage assessment.

Types of Activities Which Will Not be Permitted (optional)

1.  Activities which are unlawful in nature.

2.  Any purpose in conflict with the mission or goals of the school district.

3.  Commercial advertising

4.  Fund raising campaigns except as permitted by Board of Education policy or by special action of the Board of Education. (option: "except as permitted by the Superintendent.")

5.  Any activity which may be injurious to the buildings, grounds or equipment of the schools.

Consistent with this policy the Superintendent shall approve and schedule the use of school facilities by an individual or group and shall develop guidelines for community use of the schools.

(cf. 6145 - Extra Class Activities: Limited Open Forum)

Legal Reference:  Connecticut General Statutes

10-239 Use of school facilities for other purposes.

PA 97-290 An Act Enhancing Educational Choices and Opportunities

Equal Access Act, 20 U.S.C. ss 4071-4074

Good News Club v. Milford Central School, Sup.Ct., 6-11-01

Section 8525, ESEA as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act

Policy adopted:


Community Relations

Use of School Facilities  (Version #2)

Since school buildings and grounds are public property, the Board of Education may make them available for purposes other than education when they are not in use for school purposes.

The Board of Education shall grant the use of school facilities for activities of an educational, cultural, civic, social, recreational, governmental or general political nature and other non-commercial uses consistent with the public interest when such use does not interfere with school program or school sponsored activities.

In order to maximize student learning and community use of facilities, the Superintendent, in cooperation with representatives of the public library and recreation department of the community shall on a regular basis conduct an instructional time and facility usage assessment.

The Boy Scouts of America, Big Sisters of America, Boys and Girls Clubs of America, Future Farmers of America, Girl Scouts of America, Little League Baseball, Inc. and any other group intended to serve youth under the age of 21 listed in Title 36 of the U.S. Code may use school property upon payment of suitable fees and costs according to the Board approved fee schedule.

Consistent with this policy the Superintendent shall approve and schedule the use of school facilities by an individual or group and shall develop guidelines for community use of the schools.  Fees shall be set annually by the Board of Education for the use of the facilities.  Groups desiring continuing use of facilities must reapply annually.  The Superintendent will maintain a list of school facilities usage by non-district groups or individuals.

Types of Activities Which Will Not be Permitted

1.  Any purpose in conflict with the mission or goals of the school district.

2.  Fund-raising campaigns except as permitted by the Superintendent.

3.  Activities which are unlawful in nature.

(cf. 0000 - Mission and Function)

(cf. 0200 - Goals and Objectives)

(cf. 1314 - Soliciting Funds from and by School Personnel)

(cf. 1324 - Soliciting Funds from and by Students)

(cf. 3515 - Facilities Use)

(cf. 6145 - Extra-Class Activities: Limited Open Forum)

Legal Reference:   Connecticut General Statutes

10-239 Use of school facilities for other purposes

PA 97-290 An Act Enhancing Educational Choices and Opportunities

Equal Access Act, 20 U.S.C. ss 4071-4074

Good News Club v. Milford Central School ,Sup.Ct., 6-11-01

20 U.S.C. 7905 (Boy Scouts of America Equal Access Act contained in No Child Left Behind Act of 2001)

Policy adopted:


Community Relations

Facilities Use

The use of school buildings, grounds, equipment and facilities will be authorized by the Superintendent in conformity with the following regulations governing their use as approved by the Board.

1.  Application forms for the use of school facilities must be presented to the Superintendent at least 14 days prior to the date of use.

2.  The use of school facilities for school purposes, meeting of students, entertainment by teachers' clubs, alumni associations, parent teacher associations and other organizations affiliated with the schools have precedence over all others. Requests for school facilities for school programs must be cleared with the building Principal or the Superintendent or both, should the nature of the request so justify.

3.  Rental and associated fees will be charged in accordance with policy 3515.

4.  All activities must be under competent adult supervision approved by the Principal of the building involved. In all cases, an assigned school employee will be present unless waived by the Superintendent. The group using the facilities will be responsible for any damage to the building or equipment.

5.  Groups receiving permission are restricted to the dates and hours approved and to the building area and facilities specified, unless requested changes are approved by the Superintendent.

6.  Groups receiving permission are responsible for the observance of local and state fire and safety regulations at all times.

8.  The Board will cooperate with recognized agencies, such as the Red Cross and Civil Defense, and will make suitable facilities available without charge during community emergency or to prepare for civil defense.

9.  Proper liability insurance will be required by all groups given permission to use school facilities, except where this coverage is already provided by the Board.

10.  The Board will approve and periodically review a fee schedule for use of facilities.

11.  In situations where there is no cost factor to the district, or in situations where a mutual exchange of facilities is possible between the school district and the organization, fees may be modified or eliminated by the Superintendent. In situations where extended usage for a long period of time is required, rates may be set at a contract price.

12.  The Board reserves the right to revoke permission for use previously granted.

Legal Reference:  Connecticut General Statutes

10-239 Use of school facilities for other purposes.

Equal Access Act, 20 U.S.C. ss 4071 4074.

Regulation approved: