Business and Non-Instructional Operations
Medical Reimbursement for Special Education Students
The Board of Education (Board) will seek Medicaid reimbursement for eligible medically related services* provided to Medicaid eligible special education students in accordance with federal and state law. The Board shall enroll as a provider in the state medical assistance program, participate in the Medicaid School Based Child Health Program administered by the Department of Social Services, and submit billable service information electronically to the Department of Social Services, or its billing agent.* The Board may enter into an agreement with a third party or another board of education to comply with these requirements, The Board realizes that such third-party vendor agreements to provided that cost for the above services paid from, and contingent on receipt of sufficient funds from, grants the Department of Social Services makes to boards of education based on Medicaid claims for special education services provided to District students.
*Optional: The Board of Education, having a student population of less than one thousand students, may conduct a cost benefit analysis in a form prescribed by the Commissioner of Social Services to determine whether the cost to participate in the medical assistance program exceeds the revenue that would be generated for the Board. The Board, if exempted from the requirements of this policy after such cost benefit analysis, shall complete and submit such analysis to the Commissioner of Social Services every three years in order to remain exempt.
Note: The Commissioner of Social Services is required by September 1, 2018 to develop a cost benefit analysis model and to also determine the feasibility of directly certifying students as eligible for Medicaid on behalf of Boards of Education.
The Board, as required, will determine a child's Medicaid enrollment status, and will provide written notification to the parent/guardian of the student before accessing the student's or parent's or guardian's public benefits or insurance for the first time and prior to the one-time parental or guardian consent and annually thereafter.
The Board will provide written notification to all parents and guardians of children who are Medicaid eligible and currently receiving School Based Child Health (SBCH) services under an individualized education plan (IEP) prior to obtaining parental consent and prior to the continuation of billing Medicaid for the services. The Board will obtain parental consent from all parents and guardians who are Medicaid eligible and receiving SBCH services under an IEP, in order to access their public benefits or insurance to pay for services under the IDEA.
*Note: Districts can bill for health-related services that are outlined in the student's IEP. In general, services for which a school district may bill Medicaid are: audiologist services, evaluation and testing, nursing services, occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy, psychological services and social work services.
Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes
10-76d Duties and powers of boards of education to provide special education programs and services. State agency placements; apportionment of costs. (as amended by June 2017 Special Session PA
17-2, Sec. 51 and PA 18-182)
42 CFR Parts 431, 433 and 440, Medicaid Program; Elimination of Reimbursement Under Medicaid for School Administration Expenditures and Costs Related to Transportation of School-Age Children Between Home and School
5.299, The Medicare, Medicaid & SCHIP Extension Act of 2007
34 C.F.R. §300.154(d) - Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA)-Part B, related to parental consent to access public benefits or insurance
Policy adopted:
Business and Non-Instructional Operations
Medical Reimbursement for Special Education Students
The Board of Education (Board) will seek Medicaid reimbursement for eligible medically related services provided to Medicaid eligible special education students in accordance with federal and state law. The services for which the Board may bill Medicaid include audiologist services, evaluation and testing, nursing services, occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy, psychological services and social work services.
The Board will utilize the following procedures:
1. The Board of Education will determine, for each student who requires special education services and for each student who is referred to special education, if that child is eligible for Medicaid.
2. The Board will obtain a one-time written consent form the parent or guardian, after providing the written notification described below, before accessing the student's or the parent's or guardian's public benefits or insurance for the first time. This consent must specify the following:
A. The personally identifiable information that may be disclosed (such as records or information about the services that may be provided to a particular student);
B. The purpose of the disclosure (such as billing for services);\
C. The agency to which the disclosure may be made (such as Medicaid); and
D. That the parent or guardian understands and agrees that the District may access the student's, or the parent's or guardian's public benefits or insurance to pay for the services.
3. The Board will provide written notification to the student's parents or guardians before accessing the student's or the parent's or guardian's public benefits or insurance for the first time and prior to obtaining the one-time parental or guardian consent and annually thereafter. The written notification must explain all of the protections available to parents and guardians under Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Act, as described in 34 C.F.R. §300.154(d)(2) (v) to ensure that parents or guardians are fully informed of their rights before the District can access their or their child's public benefits or insurance to pay for services under the IDEA. The notice must be written in language understandable to the general public and in the native language of the parent or guardian or other mode of communication used by the parent or guardian, unless it is clearly not feasible to do so.
4. If any child is eligible for Medicaid, but not a current Medicaid recipient, the Board will request and assist the parent or guardian of that child with applying for Medicaid.
5. If any child is eligible for Medicaid, the Board will request that the parent or guardian of the child give written permission to allow the Board to request Medicaid reimbursements for eligible health related special education costs.
A. If written permission described is received, the Board will submit claims to Medicaid through the State Department of Administrative Services for reimbursement of any health related cost.
B. If written permission is denied, the Board will terminate its efforts to secure Medicaid reimbursements otherwise applicable to the child.
6. Whether the parent or guardian refuses or gives consent to the Board to access Medicaid, reimbursement is strictly optional.
7. Whether the parent or guardian refuses or gives consent to the Board to access Medicaid reimbursement, the child will receive all special education services to which he/she is entitled without delay, at no cost to the parent or guardian.
8. The Board will provide written notification to all parents and guardians of children who are Medicaid eligible and currently receiving School Based Child Health (SBCH) services under an individualized education plan (IEP) prior to obtaining parental consent and prior to the continuation of billing Medicaid for the services. After such date, the Board will obtain parental consent from all parents and guardians who are Medicaid eligible and receiving SBCH services under an IEP, in order to access their public benefits or insurance to pay for services under the IDEA.
A. The written notification shall be provided prior to the student's planning and placement team (PPT) meeting.
B. The parent or guardian shall complete and sign the consent form at the PPT meeting.
C. Once the district obtains this one-time consent, it is not required to obtain any further parental or guardian consent in the future. However, written notification must be provided annually.
*Optional: The Board of Education, having a student population of less than one thousand students, may conduct a cost benefit analysis in a form prescribed by the Commissioner of Social Services to determine whether the cost to participate in the medical assistance program exceeds the revenue that would be generated for the Board. The Board, if exempted from the requirements of this policy after such cost benefit analysis, shall complete and submit such analysis to the Commissioner of Social Services every three years in order to remain exempt.
Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes
10-76d Duties and powers of boards of education to provide special education programs and services. State agency placements; apportionment of costs. (as amended by P.A. 99-279 An Act Concerning Programs and Modifications Necessary to Implement the Budget Relative to the Department of Social Services and PA 18-182.
42 CFR Parts 431, 433 and 440, Medicaid Program; Elimination of Reimbursement Under Medicaid for School Administration Expenditures and Costs Related to Transportation of School-Age Children Between Home and School
5.299, The Medicare, Medicaid & SCHIP Extension Act of 2007
34 C.F.R. §300.154(d) - Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) Part B, related to parental consent to access public benefits or insurance
Regulation approved: