Personnel - Certified/Non-Certified

Recruitment and Selection

The Board directs the Superintendent to develop and maintain a recruitment program designed to attract and retain the most effective personnel as defined by federal law in the District's schools. All District teachers must meet applicable state certification and licensure requirements, including any requirements for certification obtained through alternate routes to certification.

The Board of Education believes it is especially important to ensure recruitment, hiring and retention efforts result in increasing educator diversity.

The administration is directed to make a determined and substantial effort to ensure that the recruitment procedures of the district increase a diversity consistent with PA 23-167, Section 10.

The schools shall engage in fair and sound personnel practices in the appointment of all district employees. The administration shall be responsible for establishing recruitment, selection and appointment procedures.

The Superintendent shall insure that the District is in compliance with the provisions of Title I and the Every Student Succeeds Act.  Manuals and handbooks shall comply with federal law as to the qualifications for instructional personnel.  Parents/guardians of students in Title I schools shall be informed annually, at the beginning of each school year, of their right to request information about whether their child's teacher has met state qualifications and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction; is teaching under emergency or other provisional status through which state qualifications or licensing criteria have been waived; and is teaching in the field of discipline of the certification of the teacher. The qualifications of services provided by paraprofessionals shall also be provided.  Timely notices shall also be provided to parents/guardians that the student has been assigned, or has been taught in a Title I school for four or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who does not meet applicable state certification or licensure requirements at the grade level and subject area in which the teacher has been assigned.

Hiring of Retired Teachers

A retired teacher receiving benefits from the Teachers Retirement Board (TRB) may be reemployed by the Board for up to one full school year in a position (1) designated by the Commissioner of Education as a subject shortage area, or (2) at a school located in a priority school district for the school year in which the teacher is being employed.  Such employment may be for up to one full school year.  Such reemployment may be extended for an additional school year, provided the Board (a) submits a written request for approval to the Teachers' Retirement Board, (b) certifies that no qualified candidates are available prior to the reemployment of such teacher and (c) indicates the type of assignment to be performed, the anticipated date of rehire and the expected duration of the assignment. 

The forty-five percent limitation applies, as described below, if the retired teacher described in this paragraph, works in excess of two years in either a subject shortage area and/or in a school in a priority school district.

The salary of such teacher shall be fixed at an amount at least equal to that paid other teachers in the District with similar training and experience for the same type of service.

Except as indicated in the first paragraph in this section, a certified educator receiving retirement benefits from the Teachers Retirement Board (TRB) may not be employed in a certified position receiving compensation paid out of public money appropriated for school purposes except that such educator may be employed in such a position and receive no more than forty-five percent of the maximum salary level for the assigned position. Any certified educator who receives in excess of such amount shall reimburse the Board for the amount of such excess. Fringe benefits offered by the District, if taken by the employed retired individuals, are included in the maximum compensation.  The individual can continue to pay TRB for health insurance as a retired member in the same manner as prior to the post retirement employment. (Health insurance from the Board is not legally required to be offered.)

Note: TRB has indicated that a six month break in service is required before a retired teacher, who has retired before age 62 or normal retirement (20 years of service and age 60 or 35 years of service) can be reemployed by any Connecticut school district.

On the application form, an applicant for any position in the school district shall disclose any previous relationship with the Superintendent or any Board member. Previous relationships will include any business, financial, personal, political or family connections.

The Superintendent shall provide the Board with full disclosure of any prior knowledge or relationship with any candidate recommended for employment.

The Board of Education authorizes the Superintendent to employ teachers. (A Superintendent not authorized to employ teachers will submit to the Board of Education nominations for individuals to be hired by Board action. Boards shall accept or reject such nominations not later than thirty-five (35) calendar days from such submission.)

(cf. 4111.3 - Increasing Educator Diversity)
(cf. 4115 - Evaluation)

Legal Reference:  Connecticut General Statutes

10-151 Employment of teachers. Notice and hearing on termination of contract (as amended by P.A. 12-116 An Act Concerning Educational Reform)

10-153 Discrimination on account of marital status.

10-183v Reemployment of teachers, as amended by P.A. 10-111, An Act Concerning Education Reform in Connecticut, P.A. 16-91, An Act Making Changes to the Teachers' Retirement System, and PA 17-173 An Act Concerning Minor Revisions and Additions to the Education Statutes and PA 18-42 An Act Concerning a Provision Concerning Reemployment of Certain Teachers.

10-220 Duties of Boards of Education.

31-126 Unfair Employment Practices.

46a-60 Discriminatory employment practices prohibited.

Title IV Equal Employment Opportunities.

34 C.F.R. 200.55 Federal Regulations.

P.L. 114-95 Every Student Succeeds Act, S.1177-55, 56

PA 23-167 An Act Concerning Transparency in Education Section 10

Policy adopted:



Personnel - Certified/Non-Certified

Recruitment and Selection

Process Overview - Certified Staff

1.  Identify need for the position.

2.  Internally post position.

3.  Externally post position.

4.  Applications are collected in the Central Office until closing date.

5.  Applications are forwarded to the building Principal for review and screening.

6.  Applications are screened by the department supervisor (where appropriate).

7.  Initial screening interview performed by committee.

K-6          District Committee          Principal and (his/her designees including, if possible, grade level representatives)

7-12 Committee                              Assistant Principal, department supervisor, content area teacher, team leader as appropriate, parent if possible)

8.  Recommendations are made to teach a sample lesson.

9.  Sample lesson (optional if applicable and depending on time)

K-6             Building Principal and his/her designees

7-12            Department supervisor & subject area teacher

10.  Recommendations are made to move to the next step.

11.  Top candidate(s) interview with building Principal (and Assistant Principal and department supervisor).

12.  Recommendation is made to move to the next step.

13.  If called for, the top candidate(s) interview with the Superintendent.

14.  Superintendent notifies the Board of Education of the decision.

Initial Application Screening

Initial application screening should be conducted by the building Principal (and other relevant administrator).  The purpose of the initial application screening is to identify a list of the top candidates to be invited for interviews.  Information to review shall include: application, cover letter, resume, transcripts, and letters of recommendation.

Initial Screening Interview

The top candidates are invited for interviews.  The number of candidates invited for interviews can vary.  Following the interviews, if no candidate is deemed acceptable, the process will begin again with the applications on file, and/or the position could be re-opened.

The interview questions should relate to:

Teaching effectiveness
Previous professional experiences
Instructional skills
Classroom management skills
Knowledge of content/materials
Relationships with administrators, teachers, parents, and students
Activities the candidate would be interested in the district

Following the interviews, the committee will discuss the candidates and select leading candidate(s), when possible, to teach a sample lesson.

Sample Lesson

Top candidate(s) shall be invited to teach a sample lesson.  The lessons will be evaluated using the Teacher Evaluation framework.  The strongest candidates are recommended to interview with the Principal (the Assistant Principal and department supervisor).

Interview with the Principal

The top candidate(s) shall be interviewed by the building Principal.  Following this interview, the Principal shall recommend the candidate(s) to the Superintendent.

Interview with the Superintendent

The Superintendent may interview final candidate(s) and notify the Board of the hire. 

Regulation approved: