DBS CODE:  4148.1


Physical Restraint:

Teachers, under the direction of their principals, shall assume the responsibility of physically restraining an unruly student and removing him/her from the area for disciplinary action, only after the student has been given an opportunity to remove himself.

Policy 7131.4.2 - Formerly in Student Section of  Policy Manual

Cross Reference:  Discipline Punishment, #5144

Legal Reference:  Connecticut General Statutes

10-233g Boards to report school violence. Reports of principals to policy authority

10-235 Indemnification of teachers, Board and commission

members and employees in damage suits; expenses

of litigation.

10-236a Indemnification of educational personnel assaulted in the line of duty

53a-18 Use of reasonable physical force

Adopted:  May 27, 1980

July 9, 2009