
Civil and Legal Rights and Responsibilities

District students shall have all rights afforded them by federal and state constitutions and statutes.  The district recognizes all federal, state and local laws in connection with these rights, and reminds students that certain responsibilities accompany these rights.

The district's aim is to provide an environment in which a student's rights and freedoms are respected, and opportunities which stimulate and challenge the student's interests and abilities to his or her highest potential.  These opportunities will be available as long as the student pursues these interests and studies in an appropriate manner and does not infringe upon the rights of others.

It shall be the right of each district student:

A.  to have a safe, healthy, orderly and courteous school environment;

B.  to take part in all district activities on an equal basis regardless of race, sex, national origin, or disability;

C.  to attend school and participate in school programs unless suspended from instruction and participation for legally sufficient cause as determined in accordance with due process of law;

D.  to have school rules and conditions available for review and, whenever necessary, explanation by school personnel;

E.  to be suspended from instruction only after his or her legal rights have been observed;

F.  in all disciplinary matters, to have the opportunity to present his or her version of the facts and circumstances leading to imposition of disciplinary sanctions to the professional staff member imposing such sanction;

G.  not to submit to a survey, analysis, or evaluation that reveals information concerning:

1.  political affiliations;

2.  mental and psychological problems potentially embarrassing to the student or his/her family;

3.  sex behavior and attitudes;

4.  illegal, antisocial, self-incriminating and demeaning behavior;

5.  critical appraisals of other individuals with whom respondents have close family relationships;

6.  legally recognized privileged and comparable relationships, such as those of lawyers, physicians, and ministers; or

7.  income (other than that required by law to determine eligibility for participation in a program or for receiving financial assistance under such program); without the prior written consent of the student, if over 18 years of age, or without the prior written consent of the parent/guardian for those students under 18 years of age.  However, such survey, analysis or evaluation may be conducted on a wholly voluntary basis, provided that the student and his/her parent/guardian have been notified of their rights and of their right to inspect all materials related to the above.  All instructional material, including teachers' manuals, films, tapes, or other supplementary instructional material to be used shall be available for inspection by the parents or guardians of the children.

It shall be the responsibility of each district student:

A.  to be familiar with and abide by all district policies, rules and regulations pertaining to student conduct;

B.  to work to the best of his or her ability in all academic and extracurricular pursuits and strive toward the highest level of achievement possible;

C.  to conduct himself or herself, when participating in or attending school-sponsored extracurricular events, as a representative of the district and as such hold himself or herself to the highest standards of conduct, demeanor, and sportsmanship, and accept responsibility for his or her actions;

D.  to seek help in solving problems that might lead to discipline procedures;

E.  to be in regular attendance at school and in class;

F.  to contribute to the maintenance of an environment that is conducive to learning and to show due respect to other persons and to property;

G.  to dress in accordance with standards promulgated by the Board and the Superintendent; and

H.  to make constructive contributions to the school, and to report fairly the circumstances of school-related issues.

(cf. 5113 - Attendance and Excuses)

(cf. 5114 - Suspension/Expulsion/Due Process)

(cf. 5131 - Conduct)

(cf. 5145.2 - Freedom of Speech/Expression)

(cf. 5145.6 - Student Grievance Procedure)

Legal Reference:  Connecticut General Statutes

Goals 2000 - Educate America Act

10-15c Discrimination in public schools prohibited.

Policy adopted: 09-10-2018