
School Attendance Areas

The Board of Education shall establish attendance zones to facilitate educational programs and to use existing facilities with optimum effectiveness.  The Superintendent of Schools shall recommend school attendance areas in accordance with the following criteria:

1.  Safety of students;

2.  Student educational needs;

3.  Educational programs to be housed;

4.  Optimum use of existing facilities;

5.  Student residential patterns;

6.  Ages of students served;

7.  Racial/ethnic balance.

Assignment to attendance zones shall be subject to modification when federal law applicable to students placed in foster care or students who are homeless requires that such students be educated in a "school of origin" that differs from the assigned attendance area.

Optional Provision

Although students in an attendance area have first choice of schools in that area, the Board of Education also accepts "controlled free zoning" within the following guidelines:

1.  Where space exists, students from other attendance areas may apply for membership within rated capacities of school buildings.

2.  Parents of students choosing out of area attendance shall provide student transportation.

3.  Students out of normal attendance areas will remain in chosen schools at least one year.

(cf. 5118.1 - Homeless Students)

(cf. 5118.3 - Children in Foster Care)

Legal Reference:  Connecticut General Statutes

10 55 Students to attend regional school.

10 226a Students of racial minorities.

10 226b Existence of racial imbalance.

10 226c Plan to correct imbalance.

10 226d Approval of plan by state board.

Policy adopted:



School Attendance Areas

Among factors not generally considered as valid reasons for transfer are:

1.  School of attendance of brothers, sisters, or friends.

2.  Place or time of employment of parent(s) or guardian(s) or student.

3.  Personal convenience of family or student.

4.  A request that would undermine Board of Education redistricting policy.

5.  Athletic team preference.

6.  Specific school preference for personal reasons.


1.  Any student who begins any grade in area, space permitting, shall be allowed upon written application on the Request for Student Transfer Within the School System form to finish that school year in the school where he/she started that year if the family moved.

2.  All out of area assignments will be granted on an annual basis only.  Requests granted before that date will remain in effect without annual application unless overcrowded classroom situations develop at a specific grade level.

3.  If a student is attending grade six out of area in a K-6 school, he/she will be expected to enter grade seven in the school in the area of residence unless he/she requests and received approval to attend grade seven out of area.

4.  A student who is out of area in grade seven and weight must attend grade nine at the in-area high school.

5.  All such requests will be processed by the administrators the schools involved and then submitted to the office of the Director of Personnel for a decision.

6.  A review committee composed of school administrators will meet as necessary to review all requests and grant final approval.

7.  An appeal of the review committee's decision may be made to the Board of Education.

Regulation approved: