This Model Policy reflects the "Position Statement and Policy Guidance for Personal Technology Use in Connecticut Schools: Impact of Social Media and the Use of Cell Phones on Student Learning and Mental Health" developed by the CT State Department of Education and adopted by the CT Board of Education on August 21, 2024.
Electronic Devices
Personal Technology Use in Schools – Cell Phones
The ________________________ Board of Education believes that students who feel emotionally and intellectually safe in their school environment are more likely to engage in their learning and reach their fullest potential.
Emerging research suggests that social media significantly negatively impacts brain development during adolescence when identities and a sense of self-worth are forming, and social rewards, pressures, and acceptance are paramount. This research, as well as the addictive algorithms embedded in social media platforms themselves, is of concern to the Board, as the Board recognized that the technology that allows unfettered access to social media interferes with the opportunities the District provides to ensure students benefit from school environments that build skills in social interaction and communication, provide for stimulating intellectual engagement in the classroom, and support peer-to-peer/adult relationship building.
Thus, to safeguard the learning environment and enhance system-wide opportunities for student academic success and overall well-being, the _________________ Board of Education shall restrict the use of personal technology in all district schools and provide the following guidance to the Superintendent in working with his/her staff, students, and parents/guardians in establishing administrative regulations that differentiate among elementary, middle, and high school levels.
The Board fully recognizes that a collective response is required to ensure all members of the community join together to ensure all students have full access to the District curriculum, the day-to-day instructional opportunities, healthy and constructive peer-to-peer relationships and the foundational skills and attitudes that help promote effective digital citizenship.
Restrictions means limiting conditions or the limitation or control of someone or something.
Personal Device means any device owned by an individual with the capability to process, store, transmit, or access information independently. This includes but is not limited to, mobile phones, smartphones, tablets, PCs, laptops, and cameras.
Collective Action means an action taken together by a group of people (Board of Education, Administration, Staff, Students, and Parents/Caregivers) to achieve a common objective (limit the distractions and the addictive algorithms embedded in social media apps).
Policy Implementation Guidelines:
• Emphasis shall be placed on creating engaging learning spaces to mitigate the negative impact that personal devices have on student learning.
• Consideration shall be made for specific elementary, middle, and high school practices based on developmental readiness and maturity.
> Elementary School
• Practices shall focus on removing cell phones from the classroom to maximize academic, social, and emotional development.
• School day environment, classroom experiences, and activities shall focus on creating spaces encouraging peer interaction.
• Specific procedures for collecting and isolating cell phones upon arrival at school or in the classroom shall be effectively communicated to all school community members and enforced to ensure compliance with this policy.
> Middle School
• Practices shall focus on removing personal devices from the school day or classroom.
• Specific procedures for collecting and isolating personal devices upon arrival at school or in the classroom shall be effectively explained to middle school students and parents considering the specific developmental characteristics of the young adolescent's need for increased autonomy and independence during the school day and concerns related to access to social media's addictive algorithms.
> High School
• Practices shall focus on restricting cell phone use in the classroom unless determined by the teacher as necessary for instructional purposes.
• Practices that ensure appropriate filters are in place mitigate illegal use and access to inappropriate sites.
Responsibilities of the Board of Education and the Superintendent in Developing the District Personal Technology Use Policy:
• The Board and the Superintendent shall engage and elicit feedback from school leaders, educators, families, students, and relevant stakeholders in developing and adopting a policy that aims to mitigate the negative impact of unrestricted access to personal technology in the District's schools.
• The Superintendent shall develop administrative regulations that align with the policy and provide for the professional learning of all school staff in implementing the policy.
• The Board shall ensure that the Personal Technology Use in Schools policy's foundation is districtwide in its vision, scope, and implementation.
• The Superintendent shall develop a "digital educational strategy" that provides a systemic approach toward developing digital literacy and citizenship to ensure that it is comprehensive and equips all students from Kindergarten through Grade 12 with the skills and tools necessary to safely navigate online spaces.
• The Superintendent shall work with his/her team to assist families in understanding healthy uses of technology, setting ground rules, utilizing parental controls on devices, and ways to monitor technology use.
• The Board shall review and update the district policy regularly to address future technological devices, online platforms, emerging threats and legislative and court action.
Responsibilities in Supporting the Implementation of and Adherence to the District Policy School Leaders:
• Engage educators, families, and students in an introduction to the Personal Technology Use in Schools Policy that is sensitive to the concerns of all involved.
• Support educators in learning about the policy and the consistent, uniform application and enforcement of the district policy and associated regulations.
• Provide educators with professional development on best practices for incorporating technology into classroom lessons and activities using authorized school-issued devices.
• Develop and implement a graduated response to inappropriate personal technology use that encourages student to see the value in a "cell-phone-free" space and creates opportunities to develop positive skills related to technology use.
• Create a process for exceptions to the Personal Technology Use in Schools policy based on a student's specific needs and as appropriate according to each student's individualized education plan (IEP), Section 504 accommodations, individualized health care plan, or learning plan.
• Incorporate digital citizenship education content and skills as part of the curricula.
Teachers and Staff:
• Recognize that impulse control is a skill that needs to be developed and that students require support and instruction to establish healthy and responsible relationships with technology and social media.
• Create engaging lesson that foster in-person group work and collaboration among peers to strengthen students' interpersonal skills, peer interaction, and social communication.
• Model the digital habits and the utilization of personal technology and social media in alignment with the district policy.
• Fully engage in professional development learning opportunities related to supporting positive digital habits, digital citizenship, and integrating the effective use of technology in the classroom.
Families and Caregivers:
• Promote student engagement in learning by refraining from communicating with students via personal devices during the school day and encourage children to use planning and problem-solving skills, coping strategies, and in-school supports to help foster independence. (Provide your School Communication Plan here to alert parents how to reach a child in the case of an emergency or send a message. Such a plan should be streamlined and relatively easy access to the appropriate school personnel.)
• Support school initiatives to create technology-free spaces that allow students to fully participate in their education while encouraging in-person connections with peers and adults.
• Model a healthy relationship with social media and screen time at home and reduce the use of technology as a tool for occupying young children.
• Consider using age-appropriate parental controls on smartphones to encourage the development of healthy relationships with technology.
• Participate in opportunities to provide feedback in the development of the District's policy and grade-band specific regulations as appropriate.
• Follow the District's Personal Technology Use in Schools policy and the student Code of Conduct.
• Engage in lessons and classroom discussions related to social and emotional learning, digital citizenship, media literacy, and the responsible use of technology.
• Encourage peers to use technology and social media appropriately, including being aware of and limiting the frequency in which they check their cell phones.
• Report concerning and inappropriate cell phone use and online behavior by peers to a principal, teacher, school counselor, psychologist, social worker, or any trusted adult in the school building.
(cf. 5114 - Suspension and Expulsion/Due Process)
(cf. 5131.8 - Off School Grounds Misconduct)
(cf. 5131.82 - Restrictions on Publications and Written or Electronic Material)
(cf. 5131.911 - Connecticut School Climate Policy)
(cf. 5131.913 - Cyberbullying)
(cf. 5144 - Discipline/Punishment)
(cf. 5145.44 - Title IX/Sexual Harassment)
(cf. 5145.51 - Peer Sexual Harassment)
Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes
10-233j Student possession and use of telecommunications devices
Eisner v. Stamford Board of Education, 440 F. 2d 803 (2nd Cir 1971)
Trachtman v. Anker, 563 F. 2d 512 (2nd Cir. 1977) cert. denied, 435 U.S. 925 (1978)
Hazelwood School District v. Ruhlmeir, 484 U.S. 260, 108 S Ct 562 (1988)
Bethel School District v. Fraser, 478 US 675 (1986)
Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community Dist., 393 US 503, (1969)
Policy adopted:
Electronic Devices
Personal Technology Use in Schools/Cellular Phones/Electronic Communication Devices
The Board of Education (Board) recognizes that many students possess and use cellular telephones and other portable electronic devices. These ubiquitous devices serve an important purpose in facilitating communication between the student and his/her family, as well as serving as tools to access information electronically. In the school setting, such portable electronic devices are permitted providing their use is consistent with this policy and does not distract from the educational process or interfere with safety and security.
Alternate language:
The Board of Education (Board) is committed to providing a safe, positive and productive learning environment for its students. The Board recognizes that, depending on how they are used, cellular telephones and other wireless communication devices can be either a valuable learning tool or a source of disruption in the learning environment. In order to maintain a secure and orderly learning environment, student use and possession of cellular telephones and other wireless communication devices shall be subject to the limitations set forth in this policy.
There is a growing body of evidence that suggests student access to cellular telephones and other electronic communication devices may be detrimental to student emotional wellbeing and academic growth. Therefore, the use of electronic communication devices and other such technology at school is considered a privilege, not a right.
Students may possess cellular telephones and other wireless communication devices on school property and school-sponsored transportation, provided students adhere to the restrictions contained within this policy. Any unauthorized use of cellular telephones and other wireless communication devices during the instructional school day or at such times as not authorized by the school principal or designee is prohibited, as it disrupts the instructional program or distracts from the educational environment.
1. Elementary School Students: Elementary school students may possess cellular telephones and other wireless communication devices on school property and school-sponsored transportation, provided such devices are not visible, used, or activated, and are kept in the "off" position throughout the instructional school day. Students must keep their cellular phones and other wireless communication devices stored in a non-visible secure location during the instructional school day.
Students may use their cellular phones and other wireless communication devices while waiting for the beginning of the instructional school day or waiting for a school bus at the end of the instructional school day.
2. Middle and High School Students: Middle and high school students may possess cellular telephones and other wireless communication devices on school property and school-sponsored transportation, provided such cellular telephones and other wireless communication devices are not visible, used or activated, and are kept in the "off" position throughout the instructional school day. Middle and high school students must keep their cellular telephones and other wireless communication devices stored in a non-visible secure location. Middle and high school principals may modify the instructional school day to establish other authorized times of use in addition to when students are waiting for the beginning of the instructional school day or waiting for a school bus at the end of the instructional school day, including the designation of areas of the school campus for such use.
Alternate language:
Cellular telephones and other wireless communication devices shall be turned off during instructional or class time or at any other time when such use of the device would cause a disruption of school activities. Cellular telephones or other wireless communication devices, which have the capability to take photographs or videos, shall not be used for such purposes while on school property or while a student is engaged in district-sponsored activities unless as expressly authorized in advance by the principal or designee.
The use of cellular telephones or other wireless communication devices in any manner that disrupts the educational environment or violates the rights of others, including the use of the device to take photographs in locker rooms or bathrooms, cheat, or otherwise violate student conduct rules is prohibited. Prohibited conduct specifically includes creating, sending, sharing, viewing, receiving, or possessing an indecent visual depiction of oneself or another person.
Unless otherwise banned by this policy or by the building principal, all cellular telephones or other wireless communication devices must be powered off and out-of-sight during the regular school day unless: (a) the supervising teacher grants permission; (b) the use of the device is provided in a student's individualized education program (IEP); or (c) it is needed in an emergency that threatens the safety of students, staff, or other individuals.
Unauthorized Use of Devices
A student's possession, display or use of a cellular telephone and other wireless communication devices on school property contrary to the provisions of this policy shall be viewed as the unauthorized use of the cellular phone or other wireless communication devices when such possession, display or use of such devices results in conduct which includes, but is not limited to:
a. Interference with or disruption of the instructional or educational environment.
b. Use that violates academic integrity, such as reproducing images of tests, communicating test or examination contents or answers, providing access to unauthorized school information, or assisting students in any aspect of their instructional program in a manner that violates school Board policy or the Student Code of Conduct.
c. The communication of the marks or grades assigned to students resulting from evaluation or the actual contents, or parts thereof, of any evaluation activity being completed by an individual(s).
d. Use to commit a crime, under federal or state law.
e. Violation of a student's or other person's reasonable expectation of privacy by using such devices with photographic capabilities in student locker rooms, restrooms, any other student changing areas, or the classroom, whether such use occurs during the instructional school day or on school property. Cellular telephones and other wireless communication devices may not be utilized to take "photographs" or "videos" while on school property, while on school-sponsored transportation or while a student is engaged in school-sponsored activities.
f. Use in a manner that is profane, indecent, obscene, threatening, discriminatory, bullying or harassing language, pictures or gestures. Cellular telephones and other wireless communication devices which have the capability to take "photographs" or "moving pictures" shall not be used for such purposes while on school property, while on school-sponsored transportation or while a student is engaged in school-sponsored activities.
Other Responsible Uses
Cellular telephones and other wireless communication devices are permissible in the following circumstances:
a. Instructional or Educational Purposes. There is educational value in utilizing cellular telephones or other wireless communication devices in the classroom when such devices deliver content, and extend, enhance, and/or reinforce a student's learning process related to the student's learning style, the instructional objectives of the class and/or the learning environment. The appropriateness of in-class use of these devices consistent with the instructional objectives within instructional time will be determined by the classroom teacher with the approval of the building principal or designee.
b. IEP, 504, or Health Care/Medical Plan. Students may use cellular phones, wireless communication devices, and other electronic devices during class time when authorized pursuant to an Individual Education Plan (IEP), a Section 504 Accommodation Plan, or a Health Care/Medical Plan with supportive documentation from the student's physician.
c. Health, Safety or Emergency Reasons. Exceptions to the restrictions in this policy, in part or in its entirety, may be made for health, safety and emergency reasons by the principal.
d. School Trips or School-Sponsored Activities. The use, display, or activation of cellular phones or other wireless communication devices during school trips or school-sponsored activities shall be at the discretion of the principal or designee but shall not be disruptive to the activity.
e. Other Reasons. Other reasons determined appropriate by the principal.
Unauthorized use of these devices is grounds for confiscation by school officials, including classroom teachers. Repeated unauthorized use of such devices may lead to disciplinary action.
Any student who chooses to bring a cellular telephone or other wireless communication device to school shall do so at his or her own risk and shall be personally responsible for the security of his or her cellular phone or wireless communication device. Neither the school personnel nor the Board will assume any responsibility or liability for loss, theft, damage, or vandalism to a cellular phone or other wireless communication device brought onto school property or for the unauthorized use of any such device.
(cf. 5114 - Suspension and Expulsion/Due Process)
(cf. 5131 - Conduct)
(cf. 5131.8 - Off School Grounds Misconduct)
(cf. 5131.82 - Restrictions on Publications and Written or Electronic Material)
(cf. 5131.911 - Bullying)
(cf. 5131.913 - Cyberbullying)
(cf. 5144 - Discipline/Punishment)
(cf. 5145.5 - Sexual Harassment)
(cf. 5145.51 - Peer Sexual Harassment)
Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes
10-233j Student possession and use of telecommunications devices
Eisner v. Stamford Board of Education, 440 F. 2d 803 (2nd Cir 1971)
Trachtman v. Anker, 563 F. 2d 512 (2nd Cir. 1977) cert. denied, 435 U.S. 925 (1978)
Hazelwood School District v. Ruhlmeir, 484 U.S. 260, 108 S Ct 562 (1988)
Bethel School District v. Fraser, 478 US 675 (1986)
Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community Dist., 393 US 503, (1969)
Policy adopted:
Electronic Devices
Personal Technology Use in Schools/Cellular Phones/Electronic Communication Devices
The District recognizes the importance of technology in the educational setting. While cellular telephones and other wireless communication devices may serve as a form of technology, they can pose a significant distraction to the learning environment if used without the direction of the teachers.
The use of electronic communication devices and other technology at school is a privilege, not a right.
1. A "cellular telephone or wireless communication device" is a handheld or worn electronic device that can receive and/or transmit voice, text, or data messages without a cable connection. Such devices may include cellular telephones and digital wireless phones. This definition also includes any current or emerging wireless handheld technologies or portable information technology systems developed for similar purposes.
2. "School property" means any school building, bus, or facility, including grounds owned or occupied by the Board. The definition includes the location of a District-sponsored activity as well as transportation provided by the District to attend a District-sponsored activity.
3. "Instructional school day" means the moment a student enters the school building until the final dismissal bell. The "instructional school day" includes, but is not limited to, study halls and any other structured or non-structured instructional activity that occurs during the normal school day, including the administration of examinations, regardless of whether a student is on campus or at an off-campus school-sponsored activity.
4. "Kept in the "off" position" means the device is powered completely off and is not simply set to vibrate, silent, standby, hibernation, or airplane mode.
Use of Cellular Phones/Electronic Communication Devices at School or School Events
• The instructional day includes the entire school day from the start of the school bell to the dismissal bell with the exception of the official lunch period at the high school level only.
• Students must power off and stow away cell phones and/or electronic communication devices prior to the start of the instructional day (the last bell for the start of school). During lunch, high school students may use their devices, but they must power off and stow away cell phones again at the official end of the lunch period.
• Cell phones and/or electronic communication devices may not be accessed by students during the instructional day. They may be used appropriately before and after the start of the school day. High school students may access their cell phones and/or electronic communication devices during the official lunch period and during the passing time between classes.
• The use of cell phones and/or electronic communication devices is strictly prohibited at all times in locker rooms or restroom areas while at school or a school-related event. Devices used in this manner will be immediately confiscated.
• Individual school schedules may require some minor flexibility as approved by the principal.
Use of Cellular Telephones and Other Wireless Communication Devices in Classrooms
Teachers are encouraged to design lessons where the use of cellular telephones or other wireless communication devices is relevant to the course curriculum. Teachers will notify students when this type of use is authorized.
Teachers may direct students to use a cellular telephone or other wireless communication device during instructional time. Otherwise, such devices must be turned off or placed on silent and put away prior to the beginning of teaching. Headphones may not be visible during instructional time, and such devices may not be used outside the classroom during instructional time.
When a cellular telephone or other wireless communication device is in use for academic purposes, students are not permitted to:
• Answer an incoming text message or phone call;
• Be on any social media site;
• Access or play any game or access any entertainment site on their device;
• Access or use any app on their device unless expressly instructed by the teacher;
• Take any picture or video that the teacher has not expressly asked the student to take;
• Upload any picture or video taken in any class to any social media site or website;
• Text message or email any picture or video taken in class to any person, including themselves;
• Access any type of mobile web browsing for any reason unless directed by the teacher; or
• Take any picture, video or text any class assignments or assessments without permission.
Examples of Inappropriate Use
• Student use of cellular telephones or wireless communication devices for personal communication and entertainment and/or games is not permitted during the instructional day, from the official school start time to the end of the day school dismissal, which includes class periods, lunch period (elementary and middle schools only), and other specified times as determined by the administration.
• Communicating or displaying offensive messages, pictures, or language is never permitted at any time during the school day, at a school event, or on school buses. Devices used in this manner will be immediately confiscated.
• Cyberbullying, harassing, intimidating, coercing, threatening, or attacking others is never permitted. Making private information public is never permitted. Devices used in this manner will be immediately confiscated.
Enforcement Procedures
• Cellular telephones or other electronic communication devices must be surrendered to district personnel upon demand. Any student refusing to give the device to school personnel will be subject to discipline as provided in the student conduct code.
• All confiscated phones will be turned in at the school office as soon as possible and no later than within 24 hours of being confiscated. Once a cell phone has been confiscated, the following procedures will be used to return the device:
• The first time a cell phone and/or electronic communication device is confiscated, the student or parent can pick it up at the school office no earlier than the end of the school day. The school administration may contact the parent or guardian if needed. (Or: The teacher confiscates and returns to the student at the end of class.)
• The second time a cell phone and/or electronic communication device is confiscated, it can be picked up at the school office. (or: Teacher confiscates, gives the device to the office, and office returns to the student at the end of the school day.)
• The third time a cell phone and/or electronic communication device is confiscated, the teacher gives the device to the office, and the office notifies the parent to come pick it up at their convenience.
• Repeated offenses within the same school year, will result in the confiscation of the phone and returned only to the parent after a meeting with the parent and student and appropriate disciplinary action is determined.
Regulation approved: