Bylaws of the Board

Limits of Authority

The Board of Education is the unit of authority. Apart from their function as part of the unit, Board members have no individual authority. Individually the Board member may not commit the district to any policy, act or expenditure. The Board member is prohibited from doing business with the school district and from having an interest in any contract with the school district in general. The Board member does not represent a factional segment of the community, but is rather a part of the body which represents and acts for the community as whole.

No individual member of the Board, by virtue of holding office, shall exercise any administrative responsibility with respect to the schools, nor as an individual command the services of any school employee.

No member of the Board of Education shall be asked to perform any routine or clerical duties which may be assigned to an employee.

Legal Reference:  Connecticut General Statutes

10-220 Duties of boards of education.

10-232 Restrictions on employment of members of the board of education.

Bylaws accepted by the Board:  August 16, 1999

Bylaws adopted by the Board: September 20, 1999