Bylaws of the Board


The Seymour Board of Education shall, no later than one month after the date of which the newly elected members take office, elect from its number a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and a Secretary of such Board and may prescribe their duties.

How Elected

Each voting Board member shall cast his/her vote for election of officers.  The vote of each member shall be reduced to writing and shall be made available for public inspection within forty-eight hours, excluding Saturday, Sunday and legal holidays.  The results of the election shall also be recorded in the minutes of the meeting and the minutes shall be available for public inspection at all reasonable times.  If such officers are not chosen after one month because of a tie vote of the members, the Board of Selectmen shall choose such officers from the membership of the Board.

(cf. 9221 - Filling Vacancies)

(cf. 9222 - Resignation/Removal from Office/Censure)

Legal Reference:  Connecticut General Statutes

10-218 Officers. Meetings

Bylaws accepted by the Board:  August 16, 1999

Bylaws adopted by the Board: September 20, 1999