Bylaws of the Board


The attorney of the Seymour Board of Education shall be the legal advisor of the Board and its officers in questions related to their official duties. The Board of Education may appoint, either on a full-time or retainer basis, an attorney or attorneys to serve as school attorney. The primary function of the attorney is to provide professional legal counsel and representation for the Board and Superintendent.

The attorney shall:

1.  Represent the Board of Education in legal proceedings.

2.  Give his/her written opinion on all legal questions referred to him/her by the Seymour Board of Education or the Superintendent.

3.  Attend Seymour Board of Education meetings, conferences and other meetings as requested by the Board, Superintendent, Board Chairperson or Board committee.

4.  Fulfill such other legal duties as the Seymour Board of Education may assign.

Bylaws accepted by the Board:  August 16, 1999

Bylaws adopted by the Board:  September 20, 1999