Bylaws of the Board
Permanent Board Committees
The permanent Board committees shall be as follows: Finance, Policy Facilities/Transportation, Liaison, Athletic/Health, and Curriculum/Technology.
Three members of each permanent committee shall be established by members at the organizational meeting of the Board. Committee members will choose a Chairperson of the Committee.
No action may be taken by any individual Board members or committees unless previously authorized by vote of the Board of Education.
The duties of each committee are as follows:
The Committee on Finance shall examine and pass on bills that have been approved by the Superintendent and shall order their payment after such payment is voted by the Board. It shall order the payment of the salaries of the employees of the Board. One member of the Finance Committee and/or the Superintendent shall sign all orders drawn on the Town Treasurer as approved by the Board. It shall annually make and present to the Board at a regular meeting in January or earlier, meeting estimates of the necessary expenditures required by the Department of the ensuing fiscal year. It shall attend to all school insurance. It shall present to the full Board membership, the annual budget for adoption for the Town Board of Finance.
The Policy Committee shall review all polices proposed by the Administration or other Committees of the Board to assure their compliance with state and federal law, to review their consistency with other polices of the Board, to otherwise assess such proposed policies and to recommend adoption of the same to the full Board. The Committee shall also from time to time, as it deems necessary, review and propose sua sponte, board polices and make policy recommendations to the Board.
The Committee shall concern itself with all matters relating to the facilities of the school district including buildings, athletic fields, parking areas and grounds. The Committee shall review the need for necessary repairs as recommended and reported by the Administration and staff and shall otherwise undertake to provide facilities, which are in compliance with all federal, state and local laws. In the case of emergency, this Committee shall have the power to act without calling a meeting of the Board. For issues involving transportation, this committee shall concern itself with the transportation of students; establishment of bus routes and stops; the number of buses required; the qualification of bus drivers; and other related matters.
This committee shall meet with the representatives of the Seymour Education Association, principals, clerks, paraprofessionals, custodians, lunch program workers, and such other groups as may be under the jurisdiction of the Board, to consider requests regarding salaries, personnel policies, etc., and make recommendations to the Board.
The Committee on Athletics shall work with the Superintendent and the Athletic Director in overseeing the athletic programming with the school system. It shall concern itself with the establishment and maintenance of all athletic activities offered within the grade seven through twelve programming. It shall also concern itself with the establishment and maintenance of an adequate inventory system. The committee shall also oversee the School Health Program to ensure that the Board is in compliance with all state and federal mandates involving health education. The Committee shall further oversee safety matters within the school district.
The Committee shall concern itself with the instructional programming in the schools and shall work cooperatively with the schools' administration in determining curriculum content and curriculum offerings in the schools. The Committee shall also review and assess the schools' library and media resources, computer education and programming and technology equipment and software, including, but not limited to, the purchase and maintenance thereof.
NOTE: Safety issues are taken very seriously by the Board of Education and as such, one of the listed committees above will address any issues involving safety accordingly if they should arise.
(cf. 9130-Committees)
Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statues
1-200 through 1-241 of the Freedom of lnformation Act.
1-200 Definitions.
1-225 Meetings of the government agencies to be public.
Bylaw accepted by the Board: August 16, 1999
Bylaw adopted by the Board: September 20, 1999
Bylaw revised by the Board: December 20, 1999
Amended Bylaws accepted by the Board November 3, 2005
Bylaw revised by the Board: February 20, 2020