Bylaws of the Board
Special Committees/Advisory Committees
The Chairperson of the Board of Education shall appoint temporary and special committees as may be deemed necessary or advisable by the Board of Education, and the Chairperson shall be an ex-officio member of each committee. i.e.
Awards Committee - This committee shall be comprised of the Superintendent, the Associate Superintendent, the Board of Education Chair, one Board of Education member, two parents from each of our four buildings, and one community member. In terms of a quorum at this meeting, there must be at least one parent from each school represented.
Distinguished Alumni Committee - This committee shall be comprised of the High School Principal, one Board of Education member, and three Seymour High School Alumni.
The duties of the committee shall be outlined at the time of appointment, and the committee shall be considered dissolved when its final report has been made to the Board of Education.
All committees of the Board of Education shall follow the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act as required by statute.
Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes
1-200 through l-241 of the Freedom of Information Act.
1-200 Definitions.
1-226 Meetings of government agencies to be public.
Bylaws accepted by the Board: August 16, 1999
Bylaws adopted by the Board: September 20, 1999
Revised: March 2, 2020