Bylaws of the Board

Notification of Meetings

Regular Meetings

The Board of Education shall hold one regular meeting every month, and such special meetings from time to time as it may call.

Board agenda materials will be prepared and available twenty-four hours prior to the regularly scheduled meetings of the Board. In order to have agenda items appear on the meeting agenda they will have to be submitted to the Board's Central Office, either personally or in writing, no later than the Thursday immediately preceding the regularly scheduled meeting and prior to twelve o'clock noon on that day. Items received after twelve noon on the Thursdays immediately preceding the regularly scheduled meetings will not be taken up until the Board's following meeting.

Special Meetings

Special meetings of the Board may be called by the Chairperson at any time. Upon written request signed by three (3) members of the Board, he/she shall call a special meeting within fourteen (14) days of receipt of said request. If no meeting is called within fourteen (14) days after such request has been made, one maybe called by any three (3) members by giving the usual written notice to the others.

Notification of Members

The Chairperson and the Secretary of the Board of Education shall file in the office of the Town Clerk the schedule of regular meetings of such body for the ensuing year and that no such meeting shall be held sooner than thirty (30) days after such schedule has been filed.

Notice of any special meeting of the Board of Education shall be given not less than twenty- four (24) hours prior to the time of such meeting in the office of the Town Clerk, providing in cases of emergency any such special meeting may be held without complying with the foregoing requirement for the posting of notice, but a copy of the minutes of any such special meeting adequately setting forth the nature of such meeting shall be filed with the Town Clerk no later than seventy-two (72) hours following the holding of such meeting.

Legal Reference:  Connecticut General Statutes

1-206 Denial of access to public records or meetings.

1-225 Meetings of government agencies to be public.

1-227 Mailing of notice of meetings to persons filing written request.

1-228 Adjournment of meetings.Notice.

1-229 Continued hearings. Notice.

1-230 Regular meetings to be held pursuant to regulation, ordinance or resolution.

10-218 Officers. Meetings

Bylaw accepted by the Board: August 16, 1999

Bylaw adopted by the Board: September 20, 1999

Bylaw revised by the Board: December 20, 1999

Bylaw revised by the Board: March 3, 2014

Bylaw revision adopted by the Board: April 7, 2014