
Bylaws of the Board

Order of Business

The meeting for organization shall be held on a designated date in December following the Town election.

Unless changed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the those present, the order of business for the organizational meeting of the Board of Education shall be as follows:

A.  Opening of meeting by Superintendent of Schools

B.   Elections:

1.  Temporary Chairperson
2.  Chairperson
3.  Vice-Chairperson
4.  Secretary

C.  Committees - Appointed by Chairperson

1.  Finance
2.  Policy
3.  Facilities/Transportation
4.  Liaison
5.  Athletic/Health
6. Curriculum/Technology

D.  Determining whether dates and times for regular monthly meetings should be changed.

E.  Adjournment

After adjournment of this meeting, the Board shall reconvene in regular or special meeting if it wishes to consider additional matters.  The order of business for any such special meeting shall be that established for regular and adjourned business meetings.

Bylaws accepted by the Board:   August 16, 1999
Bylaws adopted by the Board:  September 20, 1999
Revision:  March 2, 2020