

Search and Seizure

Use of Metal Detectors

Version #1

When the administration has reasonable cause to believe that weapons are in the possession of unidentified students, when there has been a pattern of weapons found at school or when violence involving weapons has occurred at the school or at school sponsored events, the administration shall be authorized to use stationary or mobile metal detectors in accordance with procedures approved by the Board. Any search of a student's person as a result of the activation of the detector shall be conducted in private in accordance with the policy on personal searches.

Version #2

In view of the escalating presence of weapons in our schools, the Board authorizes the use of hand-held or walk-through metal detectors to check a student's person or personal effects as follows:

School officials or law enforcement officers may conduct metal detector checks of groups of individuals if the checks are done in a minimally-intrusive, nondiscriminatory manner (e.g., on all students in a randomly selected class; on every third individual entering an athletic event). Metal detector checks of groups of individuals may not be used to single out a particular individual or category of individuals.

If a school official or a law enforcement officer has reasonable suspicion to believe that a particular student is in possession of an illegal or unauthorized metal-containing object or weapon, he or she may conduct a metal detector check of the student's person and personal effects.

A student's failure to permit a metal detector check as provided in this policy will be considered grounds for disciplinary action.

The Superintendent shall develop regulations for implementing this policy.

Language to include in either version:

Upon enrollment and at the beginning of each school year, students and parents/guardians shall receive notice that the district uses metal detector checks as part of its program to promote safety and deter the presence of weapons.  Signs shall be posted at all schools to explain that anyone maybe scanned by metal detector for guns, knives or other illegal weapons when on campus or attending athletic or extracurricular events.

(cf. 5145.12 - Search and Seizure)

Legal Reference:   Connecticut General Statutes

54-33n Search of school lockers and property

10-221 Boards of education to prescribe rules.

New Jersey v T.L.O., 53 U.S.L.W. 4083 (1985)

Policy adopted: