

Surrogate Parent Program

Any student requiring special education and whose natural parents are unavailable as defined by law, or who is a ward of the State, may be provided a surrogate parent appointed by the Commissioner of Education in the manner provided by law.

The function of the surrogate parent will be to act as the child's advocate in the educational decision making process, which includes all special education identification, evaluation, placement, hearing, mediation and appeal procedures conducted for the student.  In the case of a foster child, the surrogate parent shall represent the foster child in the educational decision-making process provided the foster child's parent or guardian (1) agrees or fails to object to the appointment of a surrogate parent; (2) receives identical notices as the surrogate parent; and (3) may revoke the appointment of a surrogate parent at any time.

In addition, the surrogate parent will also act as the child's advocate in the evaluation and planning procedures available to children under Section 504 of the U.S. Rehabilitation Act.

Surrogate parents will be informed, by the Board as are regular parents, annually of Board policies regarding student conduct and discipline and if the Board suspends or expels a child for conduct that violates Board policy and seriously disrupts the educational process, for carrying a weapon or for selling or distributing drugs.

The law makes provision whereby a parent or legal guardian or the student for whom a surrogate parent has been appointed may contest the surrogate parent appointment.

Legal Reference:  Connecticut General Statutes

10 94f  Definitions.

10 94g Commissioner of education to appoint surrogate parent.  Procedure for objection to or extension of said appointment.

10 94h Duration of appointment as surrogate parent.  Appointment of successor surrogate parent.

10 94i Rights and liabilities of surrogate parents.

10 94j Regulations re appointment of surrogate parents.

10 94k Funding of surrogate parent program.

10-233e Notice as to disciplinary policies and actions.

Section 504 U.S. Rehabilitation Act, 29 U.S.C. 791

17a-110 Permanency plans for children. Contracts with private child-placing agencies. Funding. Sections 243-244 of June Special Session PA 15-5

Policy adopted: