

Equal Educational Opportunity

Reduction of Racial, Ethnic and Economic Isolation

The Board of Education shall provide, in conformity with all applicable state statutes and regulations, educational opportunities for students to interact with students and teachers from other racial, ethnic and economic backgrounds in order to reduce racial, ethnic and economic isolation.  Such opportunities may be provided with students from other communities.

In providing such opportunities, the Board will consider such programs or use such methods as:

1.  Inter-district magnet school programs;

2.  Charter schools;

3.  Inter-district after-school, Saturday and summer programs and sister-school projects;

4.  Intra-district and inter-district public school choice programs;

5.  Inter-district school building projects;

6.  Inter-district program collaborative for students and staff;

7.  Minority staff recruitment;

8.  Distance learning through the use of technology;

9.  Experiences that increase awareness of the diversity of individuals and cultures; and

10.  Community and parental involvement in the school district.

The Board shall report by October 1, 2011 and biennially thereafter, to the Commissioner of Education on district programs and activities undertaken to reduce racial, ethnic and economic isolation, including information on the number and duration of such programs, the number of students and staff involved and evidence of the progress over time in the reduction of racial, ethnic and economic isolation.  Such information shall, through the Commission of Education, be reported to the Governor and the General Assembly.

(cf. 1110.1 Parental Involvement)

(cf. 1212 School Volunteers)

(cf. 1330 Use of School Facilities)

(cf. 5117.1 Intra-District Choice/Open enrollment)

(cf. 5117.2 Inter-District Choice)

(cf. 5117 School District Lines)

(cf. 5118 Nonresident Attendance

(cf. 6010 Goals and Objectives)

(cf. 6114.7 Safe Schools)

(cf. 7010 Goals and Objectives - Construction)

(cf. 7100 Planning-Construction)

Legal Reference:  Connecticut General Statutes

10-4a Educational interests of state defined.

10-220 Duties of boards of education

10-226h Programs and methods to reduce racial, ethnic, and economic isolation (as amended by PA 11-179)

Policy adopted: