

Care of Instructional Materials

Damaged and/or Lost Instructional Materials

The Board of Education may impose sanctions against students who lose or damage textbooks and other educational materials.  The Superintendent is authorized by the Board to set regulations and adopt any guidelines necessary to carry out the wishes of the Board.

Legal Reference:  Connecticut General Statutes

10-221(c) Boards of education to prescribe rules

Policy adopted:



Care of Instructional Materials

Library books, textbooks, and other educational materials are loaned to students for their use, and shall be returned when requested by school authorities.  Students must pay the current value of any book or educational material lost or damaged beyond ordinary wear.

Teachers shall insure that students take proper care of books. Students shall enter their name and other information on the bookplate. If a student loses his or her book during the school year, the teacher should issue another book to the student.  Students shall be required to pay for lost books.

If a student loses two books during the school year from any teacher, the teacher shall notify the parents before the third book is issued and request parents pay for the lost book or books if the first one has not yet been paid for.

Legal Reference:   Connecticut General Statutes

10-221(c) Boards of education to prescribe rules.

Regulation approved: