Distance Education
Remote/Online Courses
The Board of Education believes that education through remote/online courses or through university or college courses is an alternative (effective) means of instruction for students. A remote school is hereby defined as an educational organization that offers courses at various grade levels through Internet or Web-based methods. These schools can offer courses to enhance, supplement or enrich the existing curriculum and can also provide an alternative means of instruction. Interactive distance learning does not require the student to be physically present in the same location as the instructor or other students.
Remote/on-line courses will be part of this District’s educational program delivery system to increase accessibility and flexibility in the delivery of instruction. In addition to regular classroom-based instruction, students in the District may earn credit through distance education provided by remote/online courses.
In order to earn credits in meeting the requirements for high school graduation through the successful completion of on-line coursework, the Board, in compliance with C.G.S. 10-221a (17) shall ensure, at a minimum, that (a) the workload required by the on-line course is equivalent to that of a similar course taught in a traditional District classroom setting, (b) the content is rigorous and aligned with curriculum guidelines approved by the State Board of Education, where appropriate, (c) the course engages students and has interactive components, which may include, but are not limited to, required interactions between students and their teachers, participation in on-line demonstrations, discussion boards or remote labs, (d) the program of instruction for such on-line coursework is planned, ongoing and systematic, and (e) the courses are (1) taught by teachers who are certified in the state or another state and have received training on teaching in an on-line environment, or (2) offered by institutions of higher education that are accredited by the Department of Higher Education or regionally accredited; or (3) toward meeting the high school graduation requirement upon the successful completion of the board examination series permitting students in grades 9 through 12 to substitute achievement of a passing score on a series of examinations approved by the State Board of Education for meeting credit requirements for graduation.
If the drop-out rate of the District is determined to be 8% or higher in the previous school year, the Board of Education shall establish an on-line credit recovery program for those students who are identified as being in danger of failing to graduate. These students, once identified by certified personnel, must be allowed to complete on-line District-approved coursework toward meeting high school graduation requirements. Each high school within the District shall designate, from among existing staff, an online learning coordinator to administer and coordinate the online credit recovery program.
Insert additional district information as to how remote/online courses links to district mission/goals/strategies focusing on student achievement and accountability.
The Board of Education recognizes students may benefit from on-line courses or post-secondary courses to assist students in obtaining credits necessary to earn a diploma, to maintain academic standings or to provide enrichment for those who might require special courses.
The District will not use on-line courses as the sole medium for instruction in any required subject area for students in grades K-8.
The District will integrate on-line courses as part of the regular instruction provided by a certified teacher for grades K-12.
Dual instruction is allowed as part of remote learning when it is needed to implement a student’s IEP or 504 plan or as part of an intradistrict or interdistrict cooperative learning program for students on school grounds during a regular school day.
High school students may also earn a maximum of ____ units of academic credit [number of credits to be decided at the local district level] to be applied toward graduation requirements by completing online courses through agencies approved by the Board unless the Principal waives that provision in writing stating the reasons why, citing whatever circumstances that has caused this waiver. [Option: insert approved agencies here such as the Remote High School, the Michigan Remote High School, or the Kentucky Remote High School.]
Credit from an online or remote course or a university/college course may be earned only in the following circumstances:
1. The course is not offered at the District’s high school.
2. The high school does offer the course, but the student is unable to take it due to an unavoidable scheduling conflict.
3. The course will serve as an alternative or a supplement to extended homebound instruction.
4. The District has expelled the student from the regular school setting, and the student has been offered an alternative educational opportunity.
5. The Principal, with agreement from the student’s teachers and parents/guardians, determines the student requires a differentiated or accelerated learning environment.
6. Students taking such courses must be enrolled in the District and take the courses during the regular school day at the school site.
7. A student has failed a course and wishes to recover credits in that course area.
8. The student’s PPT or Section 504 Team has determined it to be an appropriate means of instruction.
9. Add additional circumstances here.
As determined by Board/school policy, students applying for permission to take a remote/on-line course will do the following:
• Complete prerequisites and provide teacher/counselor recommendations to confirm the student possesses the maturity level needed to function effectively in an online/college learning environment.
• Obtain the written approval of the Principal or his/her designee before a student enrolls in a remote course or the university/college course.
• Adhere to the District code of conduct to include rules of behavior and consequences for violations.
• Adhere to attendance requirements of the District.
The school must receive an official record of the final grade before awarding credit toward graduation. Only approved courses shall be posted on student transcripts.
The tuition fee for a remote course shall be borne by the District for students enrolled full-time. (Alternative: Any and all fees imposed on the learner are the sole responsibility of the learner and not the Board of Education or its designee.) The Board shall pay the fee for expelled students who are permitted to take remote courses in alternative settings.
Through its policies and/or supervision plan, the school shall be responsible for providing appropriate supervision and monitoring of students taking remote courses.
Students will have access to sufficient library media resources such as a “remote library” available through the World Wide Web, laboratory facilities, technical assistance, and hands-on training and information.
District Review Committee
The Superintendent shall establish a committee to review all distance education courses prior to use by the District. This committee will be comprised of (insert District choices here; for example, the director of instruction, district curriculum coordinator, library media specialist, district technology coordinator, department heads, classroom teachers, student representatives, etc.).
Remote Learning Option – Grades 9-12 (Optional)
For the school year beginning July 1, 2022 and each school year thereafter, the Board of Education authorizes remote learning as an option for students in grades nine to twelve, inclusive. Such instruction must be in compliance with the standards for remote learning developed by the Commissioner of Education.
Attendance of students engaged in a remote learning program shall be in compliance with the Connecticut Department of Education’s guidance on student attendance during remote learning. A student engaged in such program shall be considered to be in attendance if such student spends not less than one-half of the school day during such instruction engaged in:
1. Remote classes,
2. Remote meetings,
3. Activities on time-logged electronic systems, and
4. The completion and submission of assignments.
Remote Learning Option – Grades K-12 (Optional)
For the school year beginning July 1, 2024 and each school year thereafter, the Board of Education authorizes remote learning as an option for students in grades kindergarten to twelve, inclusive. Such instruction must be in compliance with the standards for virtual learning developed by the Commissioner of Education.
Attendance of students engaged in a remote learning program shall be in compliance with the Connecticut Department of Education’s guidance on student attendance during virtual learning. A student engaged in such program shall be considered to be in attendance if such student spends not less than one-half of the school day during such instruction engaged in:
1. Remote classes,
2. Remote meetings,
3. Activities on time-logged electronic systems, and
4. The completion and submission of assignments.
(cf. 6141.321 - Computers: Acceptable Use of the Internet)
(cf. 6141.1 - Independent Study)
(cf. 6146 - Graduation Requirements)
Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes
10-221 Boards of education to prescribe rules, policies and procedures.
10-221a High school graduation requirements. (as amended by P.A. 00-124, An Act Concerning High School Diplomas and Veterans of World War II, P.A. 00-156, An Act Requiring A Civics Course for High School Graduation and P.A. 08-138, An Act Concerning High School Credit for Private World Language Courses ,Other Subject Areas) and P.A. 10-111, An Act Concerning Education
P.A. 21-46 An Act Concerning Social Equity and the Health, Safety and Education of Children.
P.A. 2-80 An Act Concerning Childhood Mental and Physical Health Services in School
Policy adopted: