Evaluation of the Instructional Program
The Board of Education recognizes that education is a continuous process that cannot be satisfactorily achieved without the coordination and cooperation of all components of the entire system. To achieve the highest quality of education on all levels, a critical appraisal of the program as it operates in each school and at each level is essential. The purposes of evaluation of instruction are to:
1. indicate instructional strengths and weaknesses;
2. provide information needed for advance planning;
3. provide data for public information;
4. show the relationship between achievement and the school system's stated goals; and
5. check on the suitability of the instructional program in terms of community requirements.
A continuing evaluation will be conducted at the school and system-wide level. The needs as shown by this evaluation will be listed on a priority basis. School improvement programs will be aimed at meeting these needs.
The administration shall submit an annual report to the Board stating the strengths and weaknesses of the school program. Plans for correcting the weaknesses will be a part of the report.
Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes
10-76d(g) Duties and powers of boards of education to provide special education programs and services.
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, 20 U.S.C. 1681 et seq.
Policy adopted: