
Homebound/Hospital Instruction

Home and hospital instruction shall be a teaching service available, as mandated by Section 10-76d-15 of the Connecticut State Board of Education Regulations, to students who are unable to attend school for medical and/or mental health reasons for a period of two weeks or longer due to a verified medical reason as diagnosed by physician, psychiatrist or Planning and Placement Team, or that the student's condition is such that the student may be required to be absent from school for short, repeated periods of time during the school year.  The purpose of home or hospital instruction shall be to help students to keep up with their work even though unable to attend school because of their disability.  Instruction provided pursuant to this policy shall maintain the continuity of the child's general education program and, in the case of a child with a disability, shall be provided so as to enable the child to continue to participate in the general education curriculum and to progress towards meeting the goals and objectives in the child's IEP.

The PPT shall consider the educational needs of a student with a disability who is medically complex and the need for instruction is to be provided in accordance with an IEP when said student is not able to attend school. A student with a "medically complex" disability is one who has a serious, ongoing illness or chronic condition for at least a year which requires prolonged or intermittent hospitalization and ongoing invasive medical treatments or medical devices to compensate for the loss of bodily functions.

Home instruction may also be provided for those students who have been excluded from regular school attendance for disciplinary reasons.

(Optional Language): No teacher during the school year shall accept remuneration for tutoring students in his/her class unless the student is designated as a homebound student and the tutor is employed by the Board of Education.

The Board directs the Superintendent to develop administrative regulations to guide the implementation of this policy.

Legal Reference:  Connecticut General Statutes

Section 10-76d-15 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies as amended.

10-76d Duties and powers of Boards of Education to provide special education programs and services.

10-233a et sec. Exclusion.

Policy adopted: