DBS CODE:  5121



The Board of Education believes that students will respond more positively to the opportunity for success than to the threat of failure.  It seeks, therefore, through performance objectives in its instructional program to make achievement both recognizable and possible for students.

Students enrolled in grades 3 through 8 inclusive and grade 10 or 11 shall annually take a mastery examination in reading, language arts and mathematics, during any month of the school year. (Currently administered during the last 12 weeks of the school year.) Each student enrolled in grade 5, 8, 10 or 11 shall annually, in March or April, take a state-wide mastery examination in science.  Achievement of a satisfactory score on the mastery test shall not be required as the sole criterion for promotion or graduation. The State Board of Education shall approve the provision and administration of all mastery examinations.

Students with significant cognitive disabilities in grades 3 through 8 and 11 shall be assessed with the Connecticut Alternate Assessment.

A review of progress on a regular basis serves to promote the process of continuous evaluation of each student's performance and informs the student and his/her parents.

To promote a process of continuous evaluation for academic and personal effort and citizenship, students and parents will receive reports issued on a regular basis.  Said reports will include, but not be limited to, rating scales, grades, portfolio reviews, results from formal and informal assessment instruments and individual teacher reports, either written or oral.  When applicable, students will be evaluated against established criteria as developed by the staff and approved by the Board of Education.  The purpose of the continuous evaluation process will be to:

a.  monitor student progress;

b.  provide a vehicle to involve parents in the academic and social development of the child; and

c.  promote a process whereby the school district can develop standards of high quality throughout the entire school program.

For purposes of determining class rank and grade point average, a weighting system will be used at the high school level.  No weighting system will be implemented at the middle school or elementary school.  The high school handbook and course of study will publish the system that will determine grade point average and class rank.

Beginning with the 2017-2018 school year, the high school uses the following grading policy: Grade Point Average (GPA) is calculated using a 100 point weighted scale. This weighted GPA is used to determine honor roll status and class rank and is recorded on the student's official high school transcripts. Academic and College Preparatory courses will carry a 1.0 weighted factor. Honors level courses will carry a 1.1 weighted factor. AP and AP/ECE level courses will carry a 1.2 weighted factor.  The student's numerical average on the 100 point scale will be multiplied by the designated weight factor in determining course grade point average. The grading scale will be as follows:

A+      97-100

A        93-96

A-       90-92

B+       87-89

B         83-86

B-        80-82

C+       77-79

C         73-76

C-       70-72

D+       67-69

D          63-66

D-        60-62

F          0-59


Students also receive a 1-4 rating for 21st century learning expectations, which include Reading, Communication, Problem Solving, Technology, Creative Expression, and Social and Civic Expectations. These marks will be recorded on a student's report card at the end of each quarter.

Legal Reference:  Connecticut General Statutes

10-14n State-wide mastery examination (as amended by PA 13-207 and Section 115 of PA 14-217)

10-14q Exceptions. (Students to whom provisions do not apply.)

10-221a High school graduation requirements.

Adopted:  December 27, 1979

Revised:  May 9, 1994

November 22, 1999

May 26, 2015

September 25, 2017

   ADMIN. REG:  5121



The class record book should be kept up to date with an accurate class roster for each class.  Please keep a daily record of student absence and lateness in the record book as well as test marks, homework grades, and other assignment marks for student work.  Record books are an official school record and will be collected at the end of the year and filed for future reference.

Adopted:  September 16, 1982

Reviewed:  September 11, 2003