DBS CODE:  5123



The District will establish and maintain the highest standards required for each grade and monitor student performance in a continuous and systematic manner.  The administration and faculty shall establish a system of grading and reporting academic achievement to students and their parents and guardians. The system shall also determine when promotion and graduation requirements are met. The decision to promote a student to the next grade level shall be based on demonstrated and assessed successful completion of the curriculum, attendance, performance on statewide assessments and other testing instruments. Any necessary retention should take place as early in a student's educational career as possible.  The certificated staff is expected to place students at the grade level best suited to them academically, socially and emotionally.

The Board desires to minimize/eliminate the practice of promoting students to the next grade level for social reasons even though they are failing academically. The Board expects students to progress through each grade usually within one school year. Students shall progress through the grade levels by demonstrating growth in learning and meeting grade-level standards of expected student achievement. Students who have mastered the appropriate skills will be promoted; those who have not will be retained.

Exceptions may be made when, in the judgment of the certificated staff, such exceptions are in the best educational interest of the students involved.  Exceptions will only be made after prior notification and explanation to each student's parents or guardian by the building Principal.  If the parent or guardian does not agree with the administrative decision for acceleration or retention, the student will be promoted only after the parent or guardian has signed a waiver taking full responsibility for their decision against the recommendation of the school administration.

Legal Reference:  Connecticut General Statutes

P.A. 99-288 An Act Concerning Education Accountability

10-221(b) Boards of education to prescribe rules.

10-265g Summer reading programs required for priority school districts. Evaluation of student reading level. Personal reading plans. (as amended by PA 01-173 and PA 06-135)

10-265l Requirements for additional instruction for poor performing students in priority school districts; exemption. Summer school required; exemption (as amended by PA 99-288, PA 01-173, PA 03-174 and PA 06-135)

Adopted:  December 27, 1979

Reviewed:  May 4, 1998

March 6, 2000

Revised:  June 8, 2009

Revised:  August 28, 2017

   ADMIN REG:  5123

Early Graduation

A student who intends to complete all requirements for graduation in less than eight (8) semesters may apply for early graduation approval. All of the following requirements and criteria must be met in order for a student to be considered for early graduation.

1.  The below application form for early graduation must be completed by the end of the student's junior year (6 semesters).

2.  A written/word-processed statement must be submitted to the principal, explaining in detail, why the student wishes to graduate early.

3.  A written/word-processed statement must be submitted to the principal, explaining in detail, future career and/or academic plans and discuss such plans with his or her school counselor.

4.  The student must secure written permission for early graduation.

5.  Any student choosing to graduate early may NOT participate in senior activities. However, they may choose to walk in the graduation ceremony in June.

June 26, 2019

Somers High School



               Last                                                First                                         Middle Initial

Date of Birth_______     Year of Graduation________    Grade_________

Class Rank________    Numbers of Semesters Completed to Date_______

Number of Semesters to be completed Upon Graduation    _____ 7 semesters  

                       Parent Signature

1. State the reason(s) for requesting early graduation.

2. Give a description of your future academic and/or vocational goals.

3. Have your plans been discussed with your counselor?

4. Have your plans been discussed with your parent(s) or guardian?

Required signatures of approval:

Approve                         Disapprove

A.  School Counselor:  ________________________________

B.  Parent/Guardian:__________________________________

C.  Student: _______________________________________

Office Use Only                                                                          Date of Principal's Conference: ___________


Principal's Signature