5131.81 Form 1

   Bring Your Own Device Student Agreement

The use of technology to provide educational material is a privilege at school that we wish all students to have beginning in grade ___in _________, 20__.  When abused, privileges will be taken away.  When respected, they will benefit the learning environment tremendously.

Students and parents who bring their own device must adhere to the Student Code of Conduct as well as all Board policies, particularly the Internet Acceptable Use and Internet Safety.  Additionally, students must adhere to the following:

Devices are to be used for instructional purposes connected to the approved curriculum, not to cheat on assignments or tests, not to make personal phone calls, not to send text messages, and not to post information, photos, or videos not authorized by the teacher.

Students acknowledge the following: (Determine which the District wants to include.)

  Only the school's Internet will be accessed.  Attempts will not be made to bypass the local connection.

  The District's network filters will be applied to one's connection to the Internet and attempts will not be made to bypass them.

  Only authorized data can be accessed.  Infecting the network with a virus, Trojan, or program designed to damage, alter, or destroy the network; and hacking, altering, or bypassing security policies are not allowed.

  The school District has the right to collect and examine any device that is suspected of causing problems or was the source of an attack or virus infection.

  All data must be stored on the student's hard drive.  Backing up the data through a jump drive, an external drive, or another media device regularly is strongly encouraged.

  As we are working to achieve a more paperless environment, printing from personal laptops will not be possible.

  As we do not have enough outlets for students to charge their devices in classrooms, each student must charge his or her own device prior to bringing it to school daily.

  Using a personal device to transmit or share inappropriate content during the school day will result in the loss of BYOD/BYOT privileges. Additional consequences may be applied depending upon the circumstances. Transmission of material of a bullying nature or sexual nature will not be tolerated.

  Using a personal device at unauthorized times will result in the loss of BYOD/BYOT privileges. Use of these devices in the cafeteria, gymnasium, locker rooms, hallways, and bathrooms is strictly prohibited. The purpose of BYOD/BYOT is purely for the extension and enrichment of the learning environment.

  Devices cannot be used during assessments, unless otherwise directed by a teacher.

  Students must immediately comply with teachers' requests to shut down devices or close the screen. Devices must be in silent mode and put away when asked by teachers.

Bring Your Own Device Student Agreement

  Students are not permitted to transmit or post photographic images/videos of any person on campus on public and/or social networking sites.

  Students can only access files on the computer or Internet sites which are relevant to the classroom curriculum and suggested by a teacher.

  Students are not to physically share their personal devices with other students, unless approved in writing by their parent/guardian.

  Personal devices may not be used to cheat on assignments, tests or for non-instructional purposes, such as making personal phone call and text/instant messaging.

  Personal devices may not be used to send inappropriate e-messages during the school day.

As a student, I understand and will abide by all on this agreement.  I further understand that any violation is unethical and may result in the loss of my device privileges as well as other disciplinary action.

As a parent, I understand that my child will be responsible for abiding by the policy pertaining to this program and its guidelines. I have read and discussed them with him/her and he/she understands the responsibility he/she has in the use of their personal device.

____________________________________     ____________________________________

Signature                                                                Signature
of Student:                                                              of Parent:

____________________________________     ____________________________________

Printed                                                                    Printed
Name:                                                                     Name:

____________________________________     ____________________________________

Date:                                                                       Date: