Community Relations

Citizens' Ad Hoc Advisory Committees

The Board of Education endorses appropriate ad hoc advisory committees for various district programs and activities. When it establishes a committee, the Board shall provide guidelines for membership and delineate its responsibilities, authority and meeting requirements pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act.  At the October Board meeting each year, the Board shall review existing advisory committees, membership, and committee goals for the year.

All committees created by the Board of Education shall follow the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act as required by statute.

(cf. 1312  Public Complaints)

(cf. 5145.2  Freedom of Speech/Expression)

(cf. 6144  Controversial Issues)

(cf. 6161  Equipment, Books, Materials: Provision/Selection)

Legal Reference:   Connecticut General Statutes

1-200 through 1-241 Freedom of Information Act.

Academic Freedom Policy (adopted by Connecticut State Board of Education, 9/9/81)

Policy adopted: