
Administrative Staff Organization

The administrative staff should act as a directing force toward the achievement of excellence in the educational program. The Superintendent shall organize the staff to achieve the school district goals as expressed by the Board of Education. The Superintendent shall be the administrator responsible to the Board of Education and shall identify lines of primary authority for all employees.

The primary responsibility of the administrative staff is to help create and foster an environment of excellence in which students can learn most effectively. Excellence in education includes ensuring administrative role models reflect diversity in the population as a whole. In an effort to provide such role models, the Board supports measures to increase diversity through effective recruitment and hiring practices.

Professional development activities will be provided for all staff. The Board will work toward achieving excellence in education by utilizing varied professional development programs aimed at developing leadership skills, stimulating interest of those who are underrepresented in administrative positions, and providing career advancement support and professional development opportunities for new and experienced administrators.

The Superintendent will be responsible for developing a district diversity staffing plan and shall review it on an annual basis. This plan should reflect state demographics and not be limited to the local community composition. A diversity checklist may be used as a guide to measure the district's success in developing a multicultural environment. Toward this end, all administrative duties and functions will be evaluated on the basis of contributing to better instruction which serves to incorporate the multicultural experience to enhance student motivation and achievement.

Policy adopted:  May 23, 2001