4112.51 Form 1



Contractor Verification

(in accordance with Public Act 16-67)

Directions to Contractor: Connecticut law requires that any contractor applying or bidding for a contract (including individuals who are independent contractors) with a local or regional board of education, a governing council of a state or local charter school, or interdistrict magnet school operator require any employee with the contractor who would be in a position involving direct student contact to supply the contractor with the information provided in this form. Information may be collected either through a written communication or telephonically.

In addition, pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes (C.G.S.) § 10-233c, the contractor is required to contact — either telephonically or through written communication — any current or former employer of an employee if such employer was a local or regional board of education, a governing council of a state or local charter school, or interdistrict magnet school operator or if the employment caused the employee to have contact with children, to request any information concerning whether there was a finding of abuse or neglect or sexual misconduct against the employee. If the contractor receives any information indicating such a finding, or otherwise has knowledge of such a condition, the contractor must immediately forward such information to any local or regional board of education with which the contractor is under contract.

Directions to Employee of Contractor: Pursuant to Connecticut state law, employees of a contractor who would be in a position involving direct student contact must supply all of the information provided in Section 2 of this form.

Section 1 - To be completed by Contractor



Street Address


City, State, Zip Code


Contact person


Telephone number/email address


Section 2 — To be completed by Employee of Contractor

Part A.  On a separate sheet of paper, please list the name, address and telephone number of each current or former employer, if such current or former employer was a local or regional board of education, a governing council of a state or local charter school, or interdistrict magnet school operator, or if such employment otherwise caused you to have contact with children.

Part B.  Please complete the questions below in their entirety.

Have you ever:

Y [  ]   N [  ]

Been the subject of an abuse or neglect or sexual misconduct investigation by any employer, state agency or municipal police department (answer “no” if the investigation resulted in a finding that all allegations were unsubstantiated)?

Y [  ]   N [  ]

Been disciplined or asked to resign from employment or resigned from or otherwise separated from any employment while an allegation of abuse or neglect was pending or under investigation by the Department of Children and Families (the “department”), or an allegation of sexual misconduct was pending or under investigation or due to an allegation substantiated pursuant to section 17a-l0lg of abuse or neglect, or of sexual misconduct or a conviction for abuse or neglect or sexual misconduct?

Y [  ]  N [  ]

Been disciplined or asked to resign from employment or resigned from or otherwise separated from any employment while an allegation of abuse or neglect was pending or under investigation by the Department of Children and Families (the “department”), or an allegation of sexual misconduct was pending or under investigation or due to an allegation substantiated pursuant to section 17a-l0lg of abuse or neglect, or of sexual misconduct or a conviction for abuse or neglect or sexual misconduct?

Y [  ]   N [  ]

Had a professional or occupational license or certificate suspended or revoked or ever surrendered such a license or certificate while an allegation of abuse or neglect was pending or under investigation by the department or an investigation of sexual misconduct was pending or under investigation, or due to an allegation substantiated by the department of abuse or neglect or of sexual misconduct or a conviction for abuse or neglect or sexual misconduct?

Part C - Written Consent and Disclosure Authorization. I hereby authorize the entities I have listed in Section 2 of this form to release to the entity listed in Section 1 of this form the information required to be released by my previous employer pursuant to (C.G.S.) §10-222c along with any related records. I hereby consent to and authorize disclosure by the State Department of Education of the information requested pursuant to C.G.S. §10-222c, as amended by Public Act 16-67, and I hereby authorize the release by the State Department of Education of any related records. I further hereby release the above-named employer(s) and the State Department of Education from any and all liability of any kind that may arise from the disclosure or release of records requested pursuant to C.G.S. §10-222c, as amended by Public Act 16-67.

__________________________________________________     ________________________
Signature of Applicant                                                                    Date


The terms provided below are currently defined in state law as follows. Please note that statutes may be amended from time to time.

Sexual Misconduct means “any verbal, nonverbal, written or electronic communication, or any other act directed toward or with a student that is designed to establish a sexual relationship with the student, including a sexual invitation, dating or soliciting a date, engaging in sexual dialog, making sexually suggestive comments, self-disclosure or physical exposure of a sexual or erotic nature and any other sexual, indecent or erotic contact with a student.” Connecticut General Statutes §10-222c(k).

Abuse or Neglect means  “abuse or neglect as described in Section 46b-120, and includes any violation of Sections 53a-70, 53a-70a, 53a-7l, 53a-72a, 53a-72b or 53a-73a.” Connecticut General Statutes §10-222c(k).

The Connecticut State Department of Education is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, ancestry, age, criminal record, political beliefs, genetic information, intellectual disability, past or present history of mental disability, learning disability, or physical disability, including, but not limited to, blindness or any other basis prohibited by Connecticut state and/or federal nondiscrimination laws.