
Personnel — Certified/Non-Certified

Use and Disclosure of Employee Medical Information (HIPAA)

Version #1:

The Board of Education directs the Superintendent or his/her designee to take the necessary steps to ensure compliance with the Health Insurance Portability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). Compliance activities shall include conducting an audit to determine applicability of HIPAA to District operations, recommending policies to the Board, implementation of administrative regulations, including record keeping procedures, preparation of necessary documents, employee training and all other activities necessary to ensure compliance.

Version #2:

Other than health information contained in employment records held by the District in its role as employer, all information in the District’s possession which is related to employee past, present and future health conditions and that identifies the individual employee or could reasonably be utilized to identify the employee, will be protected under the terms of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA).

To the extent the District possesses personally identifiable health information regarding employees, aside from health information contained in employment records held by the District in its role as employer, the Superintendent or his/her designee shall act as the Privacy Officer to oversee the administration of privacy of such records. The Superintendent or his/her designee shall provide all employees with the following information regarding such records:

1.  The use and disclosure of personally identifiable health information;

2.  Each employee’s rights to privacy with respect to his/her personally identifiable health information;

3.  Duties under HIPAA with respect to employee’s personally identifiable health information;

4.  Each employee’s rights to file a complaint with the District, Health Benefit Plan, and/or the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services; and

5.  The person or office that an employee can contact for further information about privacy practices.

In addition, the District shall notify the administrator of each of the District’s health benefit plans of the requirement under HIPAA that it take reasonable steps to maintain the privacy of each employee’s personally identifiable health information and to inform each employee about the information set forth above in items 1 through 5. Further, the District shall notify the administrator of the health benefit plan of the requirement under HIPAA that it provide reasonable notice to all employees of whom the benefit plan designates as the Privacy Officer to oversee the administration of privacy of the benefit plan and to receive complaints.

(cf. 4112.6/4212.6 - Personnel Records)

Legal Reference:  42 U.S.C. 1320d-1320d-8, P.L. 104-191, Health Insurance Portability and
  Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA)

65 Fed. Reg. 50312-50372

65 Fed. Reg. 92462-82829

63 Fed. Reg. 43242-43280

67 Fed. Reg. 53182-53273

Policy adopted: