

Personnel - Certified/Non-Certified

Remote Work/Telecommuting Policy/Telework

The Board of Education (Board) recognizes that providing staff members the flexibility of working remotely may be necessary at times when widespread illness, a declared pandemic health emergency, natural disasters or other roadblocks interrupt the District's ability to conduct school and/or business on a regular basis. An authority outside the school district may, in addition to the Board and/or the Superintendent, direct school closures. In addition, the Board understands and supports the belief that during normal times of operation, it may be beneficial to have some staff members, with appropriate approval, fulfill their professional responsibilities by working remotely.

Telecommuting is not considered an entitlement, or a benefit. Telecommuting/Telework, for purposes of this policy, is defined as the performance of the essential functions of one's job description in a work location other than their assigned school or office. In addition, working remotely/telecommuting does not change in any manner the terms and conditions of employment with the ______________ Board of Education. Any change in the terms and conditions of employment shall be made a part of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Board and the applicable employee bargaining unit. (MOUs are strongly recommended to be developed with the assistance of legal counsel.)

This policy is temporary as necessary in order to address any immediate concern related to quarantine, natural disaster or other event that interrupts normal operations. To provide clarity, this policy outlines expectations and provides guidance should the need arise for staff to work from home.


Teachers instructing through tele-teaching/ELearning (the delivery of online instruction from a location other than a classroom by means of video, audio, or other electronic transmission) will be provided approval to work remotely off site for the duration of the identified tele-teaching/ELearning days. Administrative staff will also be permitted to work remotely, when deemed appropriate and necessary at those times identified by the Superintendent of Schools. Circumstances warranting such off-site work shall include situations of widespread illness, declared pandemic, lengthy school closures, natural disaster or other identification as made by the Superintendent.

School bus drivers, instructional assistants, cafeteria staff, school nursing aide staff, and secretaries normally will not be eligible for remote work. Maintenance staff may not be eligible for remote work.  However, the Director of Finance/Business Manager, Chief Operating Officer/Director of Maintenance (choose that which is appropriate for the local district) and key/lead custodians may be eligible for remote work pending approval by the Superintendent or his/her designee.

Central Office staff may be eligible for remote work as determined by the Superintendent.


Those individuals approved for remote work will do so within the following timeframe: 8:00am to 4:00 pm unless otherwise approved ahead of time by the Superintendent. (Alternate language: Employees working from a remote location shall be available to fulfill their professional responsibilities for a period of time not to exceed the length of the regular school day.) No employee shall work more than the contracted number of days provided in the parties' bargaining unit Agreement. The total number of contractual days will vary depending on whether an employee is considered a ten month or a twelve-month employee.

Teachers and administrators working from a remote location will check their school email and voice mail and shall be available to students and families, or as otherwise directed by the administration during the timeframe listed above or for shorter intervals through various methods, including but not limited to email, voice mail, Google Classroom, or telephone.


It is the Board's expectation that remote work/telecommuting takes place during the identified work day as outlined above. Communication via email, personal phone or other means may take place. It is expected that staff working during this time respond in a timely manner to requests for information and be productive employees. Lack of responsiveness on the part of the employee may result in termination of remote work/telecommuting responsibilities.

Productivity Measurement

Employee productivity will be measured on time spent on tasks and projects, response to emails, response to parents/vendors, and overall efficiency in project and task completion.

Equipment Required

The District will either provide a technology device for those who require remote work or provide the necessary technological assistance which will enable the employee to utilize his/her own computer equipment to access the Internet for continuation of required work. The Board urges caution in accessing the Internet from public places and in accessing information and content from networks outside of the District's service. Utilizing the Internet from public WIF is strongly discouraged in order to prevent compromising critical and sensitive student information and/or financial information. District technology support will continue to be available as needed. (Optional: The District will not support personal equipment and the employee uses such equipment at their own risk and direction.).

Remote/telecommuting work will cease when determined by the Superintendent or his/her designee.

Optional language to consider:

1.  An employee's performance when teleworking will be monitored in the same manner as all employees at their assigned school or office.

2.  The work location must be free of distractions, as much as possible, and the employee must be accessible by email and/or phone during work hours.

3.  The Superintendent or his/her designee may authorize employees other than those identified as essential, who would otherwise report to work during emergency school closings, to instead work from an approved remote work location.

4.  When schools are closed for the summer break, the Superintendent or his/her designee may authorize eligible employees to work from the alternate work location periodically on an agreed-upon schedule if they are not assigned summer school responsibilities.

5.  Teleworking may be used when the completion of special project work requiring minimal interruptions is approved by the supervisor.

6.  Teleworking may be used when unusual circumstances such as construction, accident, or natural disaster make the assigned work location inaccessible/uninhabitable.

Guidelines for Telework (Additional optional language)

1.  Telework may not be used in lieu of taking sick leave.

2.  Employees approved for telework must comply with all District policies and administrative regulations/procedures including contracts and work schedules, and meet all evaluation performance standards.

3.  Work-related injuries that occur in the alternate work location must be reported to the supervisor and require adherence to the worker's compensation guidelines.

4.  Employees are responsible for maintaining and protecting equipment on loan from the District. Equipment on loan shall be used for work-related purposes only and use is governed by the District's Acceptable Use Policy.

5.  Employees are responsible for protecting all data and ensuring compliance with all regulations regarding confidentiality of materials.

(cf. 4112/4212 - Appointment and Conditions of Employment)
(cf. 4113.1/4213.1 - Load/Scheduling/Hours of Employment)
(cf. 4113/4213 - Work Year)
(cf. 4115/4215 - Evaluation)
(cf. 4118.22 - Code of Ethics)
(cf. 4118.5/4218.5 - Acceptable Computer Network Use)

Legal Reference  Connecticut Genera Statutes

10-221 Boards of education to prescribe rules, policies and procedures.

Policy adopted: