
Personnel — Certified

Termination of Employment

The Board of Education is greatly concerned about former employees of school districts who have resigned their positions pursuant to settlement agreements after having been served with disciplinary charges or told they would be subjected to disciplinary action. Such termination or settlement agreements often prohibit the disclosure of their terms to prospective employers, thus preventing prospective employers from becoming fully apprised of the reason(s) the individuals left their former positions and taking appropriate action.

No school personnel or Board member, with the exception of the Superintendent of Schools and/or his or her designee, will make any statement concerning the reason(s) that an individual has left employment with the district. The Superintendent and his or her designee will seek legal counsel concerning the nature of statements which are permissible in the particular case.

The district will also report any serious misconduct to the appropriate authorities, including, but not limited to, the State Department of Education and local authorities.

Policy adopted: