Personnel — Certified

Student Teachers

The Board of Education endorses participation in undergraduate student teaching programs with colleges and universities for the purpose of training competent future teachers. Student teachers will be accepted on a limited basis and placed according to availability of competent cooperating teachers.

The Board of Education authorizes the Superintendent of Schools to approve all prospective student teachers. Decisions to place a student teacher will be determined by the following:

1.  Submission of a regular teacher application including copies of transcripts and references.

2.  A screening and interview by the building Principal.

3.  Recommendation by the building Principal to the Superintendent of Schools on accepting student teachers with the named cooperating teacher. (Normally no more than one student teacher will be assigned to a cooperating teacher in any given school year.)

4.  The Superintendent of Schools may interview prospective student teachers and will make the final decision on acceptance of each student teacher.

5.  The successful fulfillment of a criminal background check. The prospective student teacher must submit a written statement about whether they have ever been convicted of a crime or have criminal charges pending against them, along with the charges and court where they are pending. They must also submit to a DCF child abuse and neglect registry check and submit to state and national criminal history checks.

It is the responsibility of the Superintendent of Schools to notify the college or university of acceptance of student teacher(s).

Teachers who cooperate in training student teachers must be:

1.  Tenured;

2.  Successful teachers with good to outstanding evaluations;

3.  Recommended by the Principal or Core Coordinator;

4.  Participating on a voluntary basis.

(cf. 4112.5 – Security Check/Fingerprinting)

Legal Reference:  Connecticut General Statutes

10-221d Criminal history records checks of school personnel. Fingerprinting. Termination or dismissed. (as amended by PA 01-173, PA 04-181, June 19 Special Session, Public Act No. 09-1 and PA 19-91)

29-17a Criminal history checks. Procedure. Fees.

Policy adopted: