
Personnel - Certified and Non Certified

Organizations and Units

Teacher Administrator Board of Education Relationships

Providing a high quality education for children is the paramount aim of this school system, and good morale in the teaching staff is necessary for the best education of the children. Therefore, the Board of Education encourages participation of staff members in activities of their professional organizations and encourages  organizations to exercise their rights and responsibilities clearly established by law:

1.  The Board of Education, under law, has the final responsibility of establishing policies for the school system.

2.  The Superintendent and staff have the responsibility of carrying out the policies established.

3.  The certified teaching personnel have the ultimate responsibility for providing excellent education in the classroom.

Attainment of Goals

Attainment of the goals of the educational program conducted in the schools of the district requires mutual understanding and cooperation among the Board of Education, the Superintendent and administrative staff, the certified personnel, the non certified personnel and other citizens of the community.  Free and open exchange of views is desirable, proper and necessary.

Teachers and Teachers' Organization

Teachers have the right to join, or to refrain from joining, any organization for their professional or economic improvement and for the advancement of public education, but membership in any organization shall not be required as a condition of employment of a teacher in the schools of the district.

Employee Organizations 

All employees are free to join or not to join employee organizations. Decisions affecting the individual employee are made without regard to membership or non-membership in such organizations. Each employee is entitled to his/her individual legal or ethical rights and privileges.

The District will not deduct "agency fees" from a non-members wages, nor may a union otherwise collect "agency fees" from a non-member, without the non-member employee's affirmative consent.

Employees shall not be interfered with, intimidated, restrained, coerced or discriminated against, either by the school district or by employee organizations. They shall have the right to participate through representatives of their own choosing in the presentation of their views to the Board of Education.

Policy Development and Review

The Superintendent shall consult with appropriate personnel and employee organizations in suggesting and establishing desired policies and regulations relating to Board of Education teacher administrator relationships and in other matters as provided by law.

The Board of Education will annually review policies and will consider suggested revisions or additions which will improve these relationships and promote the educational welfare of the children attending the schools of the district.

Bargaining Units

Unit clarification petitions concerning the appropriate composition of an existing bargaining unit shall be filed with the Commissioner of Education.

Filing of Education Administrative Personnel Contracts

The Board of Education will file, in accordance with the requirement of Section 157 of June Special Session, Public Act 17-2, a signed copy of any contract for administrative personnel with the Town Clerk who shall post a copy of such contract on the Town's website. (a regional board of education shall file a copy of such contract with town clerk in each member town, which town clerk shall post a copy of the contract on the Town's website.)

"A signed copy of any contract for administrative personnel" is interpreted as referring to (1) any collective bargaining agreement with administrators, and (2) any individual signed employment contracts for administrative personnel.

Legal Reference:  Connecticut General Statutes

10 153a Rights concerning professional organization and negotiations.

10 153b Selection of teachers' representatives.

10 153c Disputes as to elections.

10 153e Strikes prohibited. Interference with the exercise of employees' rights prohibited.

46a 60 Discriminatory employment practices prohibited.

June 2017 Special Session PA 17-2, Section 157

Janus v. AFSCME Council 31.585 U.S. ______ 138 S. Ct. 248 (June 27, 2018)

Policy adopted: