
Personnel — Certified

Communications with Board of Education

Communications between the Board of Education and the staff shall be carried out through the Superintendent of Schools.  At times it may be beneficial and necessary for a direct conference to be arranged between these two groups amid areas of mutual concern.  In such cases the following guidelines shall be followed:

1.  Meetings between the Board or Committees of the Board and a staff committee will be arranged by the Superintendent.

2.  Requests for meetings with the Board shall be made in writing to the Superintendent and should include agenda items. These requests shall be brought to the attention of the Board by the Superintendent.

3.  Issuance of publicity releases and the substance of such releases resulting from such meetings shall be approved by both groups.

4.  If it is deemed desirable to invite representatives from outside either group as observers or consultants, such invitations shall be issued with the advance knowledge of the group concerned and approval of the Board.

Policy adopted: