0.  Concept and Roles in Student Personnel      5000

1.  Elementary and Secondary

A.  Attendance

(1)  Admission 

(2)  Foreign Exchange Students     5111.1

(3)  Protection of Undocumented Students     5111.3

(4)  Ages of Attendance/Admissions/Placement     5112

                                                                                  5112 Form 1

                                                                                  5112 Form 2

                                                                                  5112 Form 3

                                                                                  5112 Form 4

(5)  Attendance and Excuses     5113

(6)  Work Permits     5113.1

                                 5113.1 Form

(7)  Truancy     5113.2

(8)  Suspension/Expulsion/Exclusion/Removal     5114

(9)  School Attendance Areas     5117

(10)  Intra-District Choice/Open Enrollment     5117.1

(11)  Inter-District Choice     5117.2

(12)  Nonresident Students     5118

                                              5118 Form 1

                                              5118 Form 2

                                              5118 Form 3

                                              5118 Form 4

                                              5118 Form 5

                                              5118 Form 6

                                              5118 Form 7

(13)  Homeless Students     5118.1

B.  Progress Reports

(1)  Examination/Grading/Rating     5121

(2)  Assignment to Teachers and Classes     5122

(3)  Promotion/Acceleration/Retention     5123

(4)  Graduation Ceremonies (Participation)                5123.3

(5)  Reporting to Parents     5124

(6)  Student Records/Confidentiality     5125

(7)  Health/Medical Records     5125.11

(8)  Awards for Achievement     5126

C.  Activities

(1)  Graduation Ceremony     5127

(2) Conduct and Discipline     5131

                                              5131 Appendix

(3)  Bus Conduct     5131.1

(4)  Video Surveillance     5131.111

(5)  Threats or Acts of Violence     5131.21

(6)  Student Driving/Parking     5131.3

(7)  Vandalism     5131.5

(8)  Alcohol Use, Drugs, and Tobacco (including Performance Enhancing Substances)     5131.6

(9)  Steroid Use     5131.62

(10)  Otherwise Lawful Possession of Firearms     5131.7

(11)  Out of School Misconduct     5131.8

(12)  Electronic Devices       5131.81

(13)  Gang Activity or Association     5131.9

(14)  Hazing     5131.91

(15)  Connecticut School Climate Policy     5131.911

                                                                 5131.911 Form 1

                                                                 5131.911 Form 2

                                                                 5131.911 Form 3

(16)  Dress and Grooming     5132

(17)  School Uniforms     5132.1

(18)  Married/Pregnant Students     5134

(19)  Foreign Students Attending Schools     5136

D.  Student Welfare

(1)  Student Health Services     5141

School District Medical Advisor

Health Records

Regular Health Assessments

Vision Screening

Postural Screening

Tuberculin Testing


Health Assessments/Interscholastic

Sports Programs

Student Medical Care at School

(2) Administering Medications     5141.21

     (a)  Opioid Overdose Prevention (Emergency Administration of Naloxone)     5141.213

(3) Communicable & Infectious Diseases     5141.22

(4) Psychotropic Drug Use     5141.231

(5) Students with HIV, ARC or AIDS                          5141.24

(6) Students with Special Health Care Needs     5141.25

(7) Health Assessments & Immunizations     5141.3

(8)  Reporting of Child Abuse, Neglect and Sexual Assault     5141.4

(9)  Suicide Prevention     5141.5

(10)  Crisis Response     5141.6

(11)  Student Sports - Concussions     5141.7

(12)  Student Safety     5142

(13) Relations with Non-Custodial Parents     5142.1

(14)  Safety     5142.4

(15) Physical Restraint(s)/Seclusion    5144.1 

(16) Use of Exclusionary Time Out Settings     5144.2

                                                                       5144.2 Form 1

(17) Discipline of Students with Disabilities     5144.3

(18)  Physical Exercise and Discipline of Students     5144.4

(19)  Progressive Discipline and Promoting Positive Student Behavior     5144.5

E.  Civil and Legal Rights and Responsibilities     5145

(1)  Police in Schools     5145.11

(2)  Student Probation/Police/Courts     5145.111

(3)  Search and Seizure     5145.12

(a) Vehicle Searches on School Grounds     5145.121

(b)  Use of Dogs to Search School Property     5145.122

(c)  Use of Metal Detectors     5145.123

(4)  On-Campus Recruitment     5145.14

                                                 5145.14 Form 1

                                                 5145.14 Form 2

(5)  Directory Information     5145.15

(6)  Freedom of Speech/Expression     5145.2

(7)  Racial Harassment of Students     5145.42

(8)  Title IX     5145.44

                         5145.44 Form 1

                         5145.44 Form 2

                         5145.44 Form 3

                         5145.44 Form 4

                         5145.44 Form 5

(9)  Exploitation/Sexual Harrassment     5145.5

(10)  Peer Sexual Harassment     5145.51

(11)  Exploitation: Sexual Harassment     5145.511

                                                              5145.511 Form

(12)  Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Youth     5145.53

(13)  Surrogate Parent Program     5145.71

(14)  Research Involving Students     5156