1.  Certified Personnel

A.  Permanent Personnel

(1)  Concepts and Roles in Personnel     4000

(a)  Title IX     4000.1

                        4000.1 Form 1

                        4000.1 Form 2

                        4000.1 Form 3

                        4000.1 Form 4

                        4000.1 Form 5

(2)  Recruitment and Selection     4111

(3)  Recruitment and Selection/Equal Opportunity Employment     4111.1

(4)  Increasing Educator Diversity     4111.3

(5)  Appointment     4112

(6)  Provisions of Negotiated Agreements/Contracts     4112.1

(7)  Health Examinations     4112.4

(8)  Security Check/Fingerprinting     4112.5/4212.5

(9)  Reference Checks     4112.51

                                       4112.51 Form 1

                                       4112.51 Form 2

                                       4112.51 Form 3

                                       4112.51 Form 4

                                       4112.51 Form 5

(10)  Criminal History Records Check     4112.52/4212.52

(11)  Personnel Records     4112.6

(12)  Use and Disclosure of Employee Medical Information     4112.61

(13)  Nepotism; Husband/Wife Employment     4112.8

(14)  Minimum  Duty Free Lunch Periods for Teachers     4113.12

(15)  Remote Work/Telecommuting Policy/Telework     4113.6

(16)  Assignment and Transfer     4114

(17)  Evaluation and Support Program     4115

(18)  Evaluation of Coaches     4115.3

(19)  Reduction in Force (RIF)     4117.3

(20)  Non-renewal/Suspension     4117.4

(21)  Termination of Employment     4117.5

(22)  Nondiscrimination     4118.11

(23)  Sexual Harassment     4118.112

(24)  Harassment     4118.113

(25)  Conflict of Interest     4118.13

(26)  Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disabilities      4118.14

(27)  Workplace Bullying (Congenial and Healthy Workplace)  4118.15

(28)  Academic Freedom     4118.21

(29)  Code of Ethics     4118.22

(30)  Conduct     4118.23

(31)  Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace     4118.232

(32) Weapons and Dangerous Instruments     4118.233

(33)  Psychotropic Drug Use     4118.234

(34)  Staff/Student Non-Fraternization     4118.24

(35)  Duties of Personnel (Job Descriptions)     4118.3

(36)  Electronic Mail     4118.4

(37)  Acceptable Computer Network Use     4118.5

(38)  Social Networking      4118.51

(39)  Use of New Web Tools (Blogging/Podcasting)     4118.52

(40)  Staff Conduct     4119

B.  Temporary and Part-Time Personnel.     4120

(1)  Substitute Teachers.     4121

(2)  Student Teachers     4122

(3)  Consultants     4126

C.  Activities

(1)  Staff Development     4131

(2)  Publication or Creation of Materials     4132

(3)  Copyrights and Patents     4132.1

(4)  Travel Reimbursement     4133

(5)  Tutoring     4134

(6)  Organizations/Units     4135

(7)  Agreement     4135.1

(8)  Communications with Board of Education     4135.2

(9) Staff Complaints and Concerns     4135.4

(10)  Non-School Employment     4138

D.  Compensation and Related Benefits

(1)  Employee Safety     4147

(2)  Employee Protection     4148

(3)  Leaves     4150

(4)  Maternity/Child-rearing Leave     4152.3

(5)  Personal Leaves (FMLA)     4152.6

(6)  Vacations/Holidays     4153

     2.  Non-Certified Personnel

A.  Permanent Personnel

(1)  Staff Planning/Creation of Positions/Recruitment, Screening, and Selection     4211*

(2)  Equal Employment Opportunity     4211.1*

(3)  Appointment     4212

(4)  Provisions of Negotiated Agreements/Contracts     4212.1*

(5)  Conflict Interest     4218.13*

(6)  Health Examinations     4212.4*

(a)  Drug and Alcohol Testing for School Bus Drivers     4212.42

(7)  Security Check/Fingerprinting     4212.5*

(8)  Reference Checks     4212.51*

(9)  Criminal History Records Check     4212.52*

(10)  Personnel Records     4212.6*

(11) Use and Disclosure of Employee Medical Information     4212.61*

(12) Nepotism; Husband/Wife Employment     4212.8*

(13) Assignment and Transfer     4214

(14) Supervision and Evaluation     4215

(15) Reduction in Force (RIF)     4217.3*

(16) Dismissal/Suspension     4217.4

(17) Just Cause     4217.41

(18) Nondiscrimination     4218.11*

(19) Sexual Harassment     4218.112*

(20) Harassment     4218.113*

(21) Disabilities     4218.14*

(22) Weapons and Dangerous Instruments     4218.233*

(23) Staff/Student Non-Fraternization     4218.24*

(24) Duties of Personnel (Job Descriptions)     4218.3*

(25) Electronic Mail     4214.4*

(26) Acceptable Computer Network Use     4218.5*

(27)  Social Networking     4218.51

(28)  Use of New Web Tools (Blogging/Podcasting)     4218.52

(29) Teacher Aides, Paraprofessionals – Title 1 Paraprofessionals     4222

                                                                                                           4222 Form

B.  Activities

(1)  Travel; Reimbursement     4233*

(2)  Organizations/Units     4235*

(3)  Agreement     4235.1*

(4)  Staff Complaints and Concerns     4235.4*

C.  Compensation and Related Benefits

(1)  Employee Safety     4247*

(2)  Personal Leaves (FMLA)     4252.6*

* The policy and/or regulation is the same for Certified and Non-Certified Personnel.