
Personnel - Certified



There shall be an annual evaluation of all coaches, to be conducted by the athletic director or the coach's immediate supervisor. Each coach shall receive a written copy of the evaluation.

The purposes of evaluation are:

1.  To provide a systematic process whereby coaches may increase the effectiveness of their services to the athletic program utilizing the available professional resources.

2.  To provide an opportunity for coaches to analyze their strengths and weaknesses, and to discuss objectively the contributions they have made to the athletic program.

3.  To provide an opportunity for the administrative staff to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of individual coaches, and to utilize this knowledge to develop supervisory service to assist individuals in developing their competence.

4.  To provide an effective means by which administrators may make recommendations concerning the continued employment of personnel, the granting of increments, and/or other recommendations to the Board of Education.

It is the responsibility of all administrators, coaches and other professional staff members to recognize that the district schools intend to seek and maintain the best qualified staff to provide quality coaching for student athletes. In keeping with this goal, all personnel are expected to participate fully in the appraisal process.

An integral part of this process is self appraisal. The self and administrative appraisals include: knowledge of sports area, coaching skills and techniques, attitudes, behavior patterns, values and ethics.

Any coach that has held the same coaching position for three or more years, for which the Board terminates or non-renews the contract shall be informed of the Board's decision within ninety (90) days of the completion of the sport season covered by the contract. The coach may request a written statement from the Board specifying the reason(s) for the Board's action. The statement shall be provided within thirty (30) days of the request. The decision to terminate or non-renew the coach's contract may be appealed by the coach in a manner prescribed by the Board.

The Board may terminate the contract of any coach at any time for reasons of moral misconduct, insubordination or a violation of the rules of the Board or because a sport has been cancelled by the Board.

Legal Reference:  Connecticut General Statutes

10-149 Qualifications for coaches of intramural and interscholastic athletic coaches (as amended by P.A. 13-41)

10-151b Evaluation by superintendent of certain educational personnel

10-220a In-service training

10-222e Policy on evaluation and termination of athletic coaches (as amended by P.A. 13-41)

P.A. 13-41 An Act Concerning Hiring Standards for Athletic Directors

P.A. 02-243 An Act Concerning Notification in Cases of Termination of Coaches

Policy adopted: