Community Relations

Distribution of Materials by Students (Use of Students)

Printed materials may be distributed to parents by students as inexpensive means of mass communications. At the same time this procedure can prove objectionable to parents and the school district if overdone.

To provide the most effective use of this technique without exploitation of staff or students, the Superintendent or his/her designee may approve such distribution providing:

1.  The materials relate to the school, community, local recreational or civic activities.

2.  The materials do not relate to any religious belief or activity, or promote private gain, or political position.

3.  The materials do not promote any political party or candidate.

All requests from groups or individuals to have students distribute materials to people in the community, with the exception of requests from school-connected organizations like parent-teacher organizations or Board appointed citizens' ad hoc advisory committees, will be referred to the office of the Superintendent to determine whether the requests comply with overall school purposes and policy.

Use of Students

The Board prohibits the use of students during normal school hours in activities which are not part of the normal educational and planned curriculum process. Permission for use of students in activities of a non-educational nature must be obtained from the Superintendent or his/her designee who will ensure that the student's rights in terms of voluntary activities are maintained and that students are not exploited either knowingly or unknowingly.

The Superintendent or his/her designee shall interpret this policy strictly. In case of differences regarding the decision, the decision of the Superintendent will be final in order that the best interests of the students will be served.

Budget/Referendum Materials

Information concerning a budget or referendum, specifying only the time, date, location, and question or proposal may be disseminated through the students. This information may not contain statements, or be written in a manner which may advocate a position on the budget or on a referendum question. 

Advertising in the Schools

No advertising of materials used for commercial purposes shall be permitted in the school buildings or on the grounds of the District without prior approval of the Superintendent. Advertising in student publications shall be regulated by rules and regulations developed by the Superintendent. Ads concerning drug paraphernalia and any controlled substance are prohibited in any school-sponsored publication.

CABE Note: This is the section which would cover the distribution of planners/notebooks/book bags, etc. with advertising on them.

Dissemination of Religious Materials

Materials that have a religious content may be made available to students during non-instructional time. The District shall impose content neutral, time, place, and manner restrictions on the dissemination of religious materials to ensure that students are aware that the materials are not being endorsed or sponsored by the District.

(cf. 3152 Spending Public Funds for Advocacy)

Legal Reference:   Connecticut General Statutes

9-369b Explanatory text relating to local questions.

Policy adopted: