6141.311 Form 2


Dear Parent/Guardian:

Your child, __________________, has been identified as needing help to learn English. We have placed him/her in a (insert name of program) to help improve his/her English skills. He/she has been identified as a "Limited English Proficient/English Language Learner" student, and in need of help to learn English, because: (insert main reason).

Specifically, your child has the following levels of English language skills: (describe). We determined those levels in the following ways: (describe). The status of your child's academic achievement is: (describe).

Please see the attached page(s) for more specific information on the program we have chosen to improve your child's English skills.

(Use the following paragraph only if the district offers more than one English Learner program.)

The District offers another program of English instruction. The attached pages explain how the other program is different from your child's program. If this other program is available, you have the right to request that your child be removed from his/her current program immediately and be placed in the other one. If you want to do this, we will assist you in selecting a program for your child.

We encourage you to become involved in your child's education. You can help him/her to learn English, achieve in his/her other academic classes and meet the same standards that all students are expected to meet.

The District will hold regular meetings at least twice a year for parents/guardians of English Learners, which we encourage you to attend. At those meetings we will help you understand the goals of your child's program and assist you in ways to help your children. We are always ready to listen and respond to any questions and recommendations.

Please read the attached pages carefully. If you have any questions about your child's program, or if you would like to change your child's program, we would like you to speak with __________________. All of us in the District are excited about improving your child's English and overall academic skills.


Building Principal