

Family Life Education

The Board of Education recognizes that the purpose of family life education is to help students acquire factual knowledge, attitudes and values which will contribute to the well-being of the individual, the family and society. Among other things, family life education provides instruction directed toward enabling students to discuss effectively problems with family members. Such communication shall include the willingness and ability to listen, accept criticism and respond with openness, frankness and honesty, thus demonstrating a mutual respect and love for other members of the family.

Helping students attain a mature and responsible attitude toward human sexuality is a continuous task of every generation. Parents have the primary responsibility to assist their children in developing moral values. The schools should support and supplement parents' efforts in the areas of family life and sex education by offering students factual information and opportunities to discuss concerns, issues and attitudes inherent in family life and sexual behavior, including traditional moral values.

To comply with the provisions of the No Child Left Behind Act, the Superintendent will, in writing, notify the professional staff of the federal requirements concerning sex education and the prohibitions and restrictions concerning distribution of contraceptives or materials that encourage sexual activities.  The District will comply with federal guidelines concerning age appropriate sex education.

A family life and sex education committee shall be established to plan, develop and monitor the family life and sex education program.  It will also serve as a resource for evaluation and ensuing recommendations.  The committee shall be responsible to the Board of Education and shall work in cooperation with the Superintendent and any other auxiliary committees the Board may appoint for this program.

Students and parents or guardians shall be informed of their right to exempt the student from the family life program.

Legal Reference:   Connecticut General Statutes

10-16c State board to develop family life education curriculum guides.

10-16d Family life education programs not mandatory.

10-16e Students not required to participate in family life education programs.

10-16f Family life programs to supplement required curriculum.

20 U.S.C. 7906 No Child Left Behind Act of 2001

Policy adopted: