0.  Role of Board and Members (Powers, Purposes, Duties)      9000     B

A.  Limits of Authority     9010     B

B.  Public Statements     9020     B

C.  Commitment to Democratic Principles in Relation to Community, Staff and Students     9030     B

D.  Board-Related Responsibilities     9040     B

1.  Organization

A.  Number of Member; Terms of Office     9110     B

B.  Officers and Auxiliary Personnel     9120     B

(1)  Chairperson     9121     B

(2)  Vice-Chairperson     9122     B

(3)  Secretary     9123     B

(4)  Recording Secretary/Clerk     9124     B

(5)  Attorney     9125     B

C.  Committees     9130     B

(1)  Committee of the Whole      9131     B

(2)  Permanent Board Committee     9132     B

(3)  Special/Advisory Committees     9133     B

D.  Board Consultants     9150     B

E.  Student Representation on Board of Education     9160     B

2.  Members

A.  Election

(1)  Filling Vacancies     9221     B

B.  New Board Member Orientation     9230     B

C.  Remuneration and Reimbursement     9250     B

D.  Board Member Protection     9260     B

E.  Conflict of Interest     9270     B

(1)  Code of Ethics     9271     B

(2)  Duties of Individual Members     9280     B

3.  Methods of Operation     9300     B

A.  Development, Distribution and Maintenance of Manual of Policies, Regulations, Bylaws      9310     B

(1)  Formulation, Adoption, Amendment of Policies      9311     B

(2)  Formulation, Adoption, Amendment of Bylaws      9312    B

(3)  Formulation, Adoption, Amendment of Administrative Regulations     9313     B

(4)  Suspension of Policies, Bylaws, Regulations     9314     B

B.  Meetings

(1)  Notification of Meetings     9321     B

(2)  Meeting Conduct

(a)  Order of Business     9325.2     B